Chapter 1

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On one rainy evening in the middle of may. Inside of a house, in a small town in London. There lay a weeping girl in the basement of her house, with no clothing on. She was 5 months pregnant at 17 years old. The girl whispered "how could this have happened again. He has already got me pregnant, why can't he leave me alone!"

A few hours had passed, when her adoptive mother Natalie came down the stairs and embraced the weeping girl and wrapped her in a soft blanket.

After ten minutes of holding and comforting her only child, the woman spoke "Hermione, you need to leave here. It is no longer safe for you or the baby anymore. John left a half hour ago, so you do not need to fear him right now, but he will return soon, so you need to leave now. This is a letter I wrote for you, please read it when you are safe. Always remember that I love you, and I will forever be sorry for what I could not stop..." Natalie whispered into her daughters hair, holding her for what could possibly be the last time.

Hermione nodded her head in acknowledgment of her mother "I love you too, and it is not your fault mum. You are just as much of a victim" She whispered softly as she got up to get dressed and packed. Within fifteen minutes, Hermione was outside of her house. With one last glance backwards, she apparated to her best friends house.

Pansy's POV-

"Blaise, Draco, STOP!! That tickles!!!" Pansy screeched, her face scrunched up with laughter

"Well thats what you get for trying to prank us" Blaise exclaimed, a fond expression on his face. Draco nodded his head in agreement to his best friend, a similar expression on his own face.

Pansy has lived alone since her parents death on December 2nd during the Battle of Hogwarts. Pansy, her parents, Blaise, his parents, and Draco were all spies for the order. Pansy's parents were the only unlucky ones to pass away. To help cheer up their friend, Blaise and Draco have been coming over frequently to keep her company.

Suddenly, Camilla, Who is one of Pansy's free and paid house elves, popped into the room.

"Camilla, what is it? " Pansy questioned, a look of confusion appearing on her face, her eyebrows scrunched together

"Miss, there is someone outside the gates asking for you. Should I let them in?" Camilla responded without missing a beat.

"I'll let them in, don't worry about that." Pansy smiled at Camilla in thanks. She glanced at Blaise and Draco, who she noted, shared confused looks with one another. "I will be right back you guys, just wait here, I wont be long." She smiled at her boys, looking as confident as ever, giving both boys no reason to worry.

Five minutes later Pansy was near the gates to her house. She squinted her eyes, trying to see what was around her. What she saw was a girl sitting on the curb sobbing her eyes out. Once she recognized the girl, she Immedtiatly bolted to her side and embraced her.

After giving her best friend a once over she realized how awful Hermione looked at the moment. She had a huge black eye. It appeared that she was struggling to breath because of her ribs, which were probably broken. Her eyes were red and puffy, indicating she had been crying. "Oh My God, Hermione, I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner." Pansy whispered, holding the girl to her tightly

"Please help me" Hermione whimpered softly, her voice now scratchy from her crying.

"Its gonna be ok, Lets get you inside and cleaned up." Pansy mumbled worriedly to her friend.

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