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  Falling onto her bed, the girl would sigh. After all, it was a day till her break would be over and she'd be forced back to learn.

  Of course, it wouldn't of been a hassle. She always thrived to learn, so naturally she'd skip ahead in class. Her parents didn't want her to move up so quickly. Something about how she'd be excluded.

  Not like she's included in anything anyway. Her dad constantly ushered her to make friends, especially today.

  Furrowing her eyebrows, she started to recount all that had happened. After all, it helps her sleep.

  It was another one of her dad's lectures. He kept going on and on about her needing to find friends and that'd she'd keep her grade.

  It felt like every time she sat next to him he'd have to lecture her for something. If she didn't get A's, he'd make sure that I'd make them. If I got A's, he'd make sure it'd stayed. If she was studying, she should be taking a break because she's 'overworking' herself. If she was resting, he'd tell her to keep studying.

  Today wasn't anything special, just another one of his lectures. Nothing was different. This year will probably be the same.

  That leads to where she is now; laying on her bed staring at the ceiling. She didn't feel like doing anything to prep herself, it's not worth it anyways. She'd never get anything for her troubles, just more orders barked at her.

  Boring a hole into the ceiling she thought, 'I wonder if we'll have dorms again this year.' Cursing herself for not thinking about that before, she'd get on her phone and search up the school's website.

  "Kyoko?" her father would knock on her door.

  Kyoko perked up, "Yes sir?"

  "Just wanted to check on you," she could see his idiotic grin in her head. Despite how he acted so grow-up and strict with her, he was always so immature.

  Kyoko didn't even bother to reply, she just laid back down on her covers. Other things should've been her priority at the moment, but she decided to keep staring at the ceiling. As it'd give her what ever answer she needed.

  Soon enough, Kyoko started to doze off. Her eyes became heavy and she fell asleep. Leaving her father unanswered, leaving her unprepared, leaving her...


  Darting up, her face was covered with piles of sweat. Kyoko would huff and lay back. She wasn't even covered with blanke-

  Looking on her, blankets clearly covered her. Kyoko's father must've covered her up. Ignoring that, she'd focus on heading back to sleep.

  It was getting hot, beads of sweat ran down. With a grunt, she threw off all the strips of blankets only leaving her with a small thin.. Would it even be a blanket? It's about the size of a napkin, Kyoko smirked at her own joke.

  She'd run her hand through her hair- Oh. She forgot to- "..." Kyoko stripped her hand from her glove, she'd look at her outfit once again.

  Sighing, she figured that she should at least get up and change. That could be her achievement for the day. Groggily, she got out of her formal clothes and changed into her pajamas.

  Currently, if you were to talk to her she'd stare into oblivion. Her head was clearly on auto-pilot, as she fell back into bed. Dozing off yet again.

•A Red Herring •Where stories live. Discover now