Back to square one

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Your P.O.V

*beeeep* *beeeep* *beeeep* *beeeep*

Beeping? What the hell? I lazily open my eyes to the annoying sound. I guess i mustve fallen asleep here in the storage closet. Wait? Is it 7 AM already? Crap! I'm supposed to be at the orphanage! Hold on, let me check the time on my phone. I take it out of my pocket and check the time. I let out a sigh of relief when I see that its not 7 AM, in fact its almost midnight, which is around the time the animatronics come to life. But that's not important right now. Right now I have to open that door and free Springtrap, and do it soon. I reach for the crowbar in my bag and take it out as soon as I feel it. I then take my flaslight and shine it to the door so I can see it better. The moment I find the door's edge, I thrust the crowbar in there and push it in as deep as I can. (Don't take that out of context, you nAsTY people.)

"There we go." I congratulate myself. I then push on one side as hard as I can, trying to force the door open. But it doesn't budge. Instead I end up bending the crowbar a little. But I'm not gonna give in that easily. I push again, using all my strenth. The door starts to move a bit, but not enough to open it from out here. I try pushing again and the door moves a bit more. So much that I can actually take a little peek through the gap. But it's still not enough to get Springtrap out of there. I jam the crowbar inside the gap one more time and puch as hard as I possibly can. That's when I hear a startling sound, the 12 AM bell. It makes me jump forward and puch the crowbar with twice as much force. The door opens much more this time, enough that I can stuck my hand through the gap. But because I pushed on the crowbar so hard, it bends, making it completely useless now. And it bends so fast that I hit my nose against the wall.

"Ow! My nose! God damnit!" I say, rubbing my nose. It starts to bleed a little after.

"Oh great, now I'm gonna look like I got into a fight with me bleeding like this." I say covering my nose to stop the blood. I block it for about five minutes before it finally stops bleeding. And surprisingly it didn't end up on my clothes at all. But now it looks like someone got into a bloody fist-fight. No worries though. I then take the crowbar out of the gap between the door and throw it across the room.

"Well, that's useless now." I say. I then sit with my back against the wall and slump down until my butt is on the floor. I run my hands through my white hair, thinking of ways to get the door open. That's when I hear a firmilliar voice, Springtrap.

"Drake, is that you?" He asks.

"Yeah Springtrap. It's me." I reply.

"Oh, so you did come back after all." He says.

"Well, yeah. I kinda had to." I say.

"What makes you say that?" He asks.

"Well, you're my friend, and I wouldn't want you trapped behind a wall. So I came back to free you." I say. There's a moment of silence between us before he speaks again.

"Friend? You think I'm your...friend?" He says sounding like he's crying. I start getting a little worried, but keep my calm.

"Springtrap, are you okay?" I ask in a calming tone.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just..." he sniffs a little before speaking again.

"Nobody's ever called me their friend before. You're the first person to do that." He says.

"Really? You don't have any other friends?" I ask.

"Nope. I've been trapped in here for so long..." he says sniffing again. Poor Springtrap. I can't believe he doesn't have any other friends. I feel so sorry for him.

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