19. Reassurance

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I couldn't sleep. I was listening to the ticking of the clock when I decided to go downstairs and watch a film. I walked into the living room and jumped when I saw Harry sitting on the sofa " Jesus Christ haz you scared me" I said. Harry turned around tears in his eyes. I walked over and sat next to him " haz mate what's wrong?" I asked. he opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but he just shook his head, biting his lip, he looked into my eyes. " I'm just thinking." he said
" What are you thinking about?" I asked wanting to know more. " about-" Harry was interrupted by a scream. we both knew exactly who it was... Kat... we bolted up the stairs. to her room to find her crying in her bed shaking..


I jolted upright crying. I dreamt I was in a car with Harry and there was a fire between us and Harry was getting Further and further away from me. I was left alone trapped in a small space. I woke up screaming. Harry came running in trying to calm me down. " what's wrong babe, babe, calm down"
Harry pulled me into a hug which instantly calmed me down. Niall was one side of me and Harry was on the other side of me. "Kat what's wrong" Harry asked me "I had a bad dream. me and you were in a car. it was on fire, and you disappeared I was on my own just like when I was younger. " " Look Kat, you were just in a car crash, you can't walk and your probably mentally hurt. it's gonna be a long hard struggle babe but we won't leave you go through this on your own. okay" Harry said "okay" I replied " ye princess, me, haz and all the others we are all here for you" Niall cooed. we watched films until I fell asleep in the boys arms.


Okay so this is a really crappy filler chapter the next chapter will be better I promise.

My name is Katrina//Niall horan//Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora