Who the hell are you?

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Todoroki pov
I sat on the bus while we headed for the USJ for training. Though we don't know what we are doing to train

"Oi! Ill kill you" I heard that loudmouth bakugo scream as he was bent over the seat screaming at a boy named Kirishima for making fun of him


I looked back out the window as I closed my eyes wanting to zone out their conversations

[bus stops]

"We're here" I heard Mr. Aizawa say as the doors opened and they stood up to leave. I just waited for everyone else as I stood up being one of the last ones out as my eyes landed on the huge building

"Follow me," Mr. Aizawa said as we walked through the doors

I looked around at different facilities. We are most likely here for rescue missions in different areas

Mr. Aizawa met up with a woman in a spacesuit when I realized she was the rescue hero thirteen.

"Oh my god it's the rescue hero thirteen she's helped in almost any crisis since her debut..." I heard midoria start to mumble to himself when my attention was brought back to the hero as she began her lecture

"Good afternoon class 1-A, here you'll be trying to use your abilities for rescue and repair in different areas. As a hero we each have had our part in rescue so it's important for young heroes to know what to do in a time of crisis" thirteen said as I felt a chill in the air and looked around

Something doesn't feel right

"Something wrong todoroki" I heard Mr. Aizawa come next to me

"Something doesn't feel right," I said to where only he could hear when I noticed bakugo stared back at us as if saying 'do you sense it too?'

He may be a loudmouth but all that isn't just talk...but it is his ego. And As if on cue someone had spoken out

"Hey what's that over there!?" The one named Denki said as he pointed towards a portal forming

The class began to murmur as people were beginning to walk out of it

"Is this a part of the training?" Kirishima said as he pounds his fists together

"No this isn't! You all stay here thirteen protect the children" Mr. Aizawa said when midoria stopped him

"But your quirk couldn't handle that many could it," he said when I scoffed slightly. He wouldn't be where he was as a hero if he couldn't

"It's true I only focus on stealth but I wouldn't be a good hero if I didn't have a trick up my sleeve...now you kids stay here and let the grownups Handel it," he said

"But none of the alarms have gone off! How are the rest of the heroes going to know?" Iida the class leader said

"Never mind that Denki get on it," Mr. Aizawa said

"Right!" Denki said when Mr. Aizawa jumped down towards the group


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