The hair on the back of my neck stand up. Yup I always get this feeling when they're here and they're close. "We have to prepare for dinner casual set the table for 5 more people which is strange its usually those 4". They always appeared on my birthday and planner a ball for me in the process of whichever part of the world they were in to California. "Who is they because the boys are the the ones that are confused ". Danny(vamps mate) asked with a confused look. My family's coming and I didn't even tell them. "My biological parents they find us every year for my birthday and throw a masquerade ball for me. They already have things in process without you even knowing so get ready for decorators coming cause there here. Setting up the house will be on them soo don't worry the girls and I will be getting ready since we got our dresses and everything together.Be at the entrance for 7:00 to greet your guests and then go into the ball room.So on that note girls and I will go". After we exited the room we decided to take a shower and meet up in my room with our dresses and heels.
WerewolfElectra is the most powerful creature alive and her mate is a half breed according to the old prophecy of her great ancestor.