Chapter One

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Third Person Pov:

Every boy and girl piles into their robotics class after the second to last period of the school day ends, and everyone's rather curious about who their new teacher could be after the teacher the year before.

Everyone who had already experienced the teacher told their friends before the 9th period that he was "strange" and "too formal," which really spikes everyone's attention. But what really caught everyone's ears is when their peers had told them, "Even though he's weird, he's kinda hot." which, like every other class of students besides the first, found interesting and anticipated their arrival.

The robotics club takes place down in the basement of the British high school known as "Thompson High" since the whole room is made of stone, and no particular accidents could occur inside that would destroy the entire building.

You're probably wondering, "Why does "Thompson" sound so familiar?" well, it's because the well-known principal named "Peter Thompson" is actually the creator of the school... and the father of a young boy in his late teens, called Thomas Thompson.

You would not believe how amusing Peter Thompson and his beautiful wife Brigette Thompson thought naming their son something so familiar to their last name was; they still joke about it sixteen years later when Thomas is oh so tired of waking up to the same joke every morning.

You would think being the son of the principal would be a cool thing with the pupils at the school his father rules, but no, he's actually been made fun of it every day since he graduated into the place. They think having a school worker father has to be the most hilarious (and saddest) thing they have ever heard!

So he's never had any friends besides the two he already made when he moved up with them from middle school, which he is happy about, but still hates being bullied so much by the others. It's even worse since he's always unlucky when it came to his two friends and him getting the same classes; he only had two courses in one year of his entire high school life!

Anyway, like many others, Thomas has his robotics class at the last school period of the day, and he just hopes he doesn't have to do anything significant on the very first day of school; he's already so tired...

But once everyone is settled, Tordssen Larsen in the flesh appears from his desk room that comes with the basement. With every break of class, he likes to organize and tinker with different things, like pens and his planner.

He walks up to the teacher's desk in front of the many combined tables that act like desks, he places down his giant book filled with notes of the last class, and it's students on to his desk and flips to a new clean page to write more.

He looks up at the table of students with a blank look while all the girls drool at his gorgeous existence; he notices easily that some students who sit next to each other are close friends, so he says, "Shuffle." to the class, and they all get confused.

When no one does what he says, he sighs and walks to the front of the desk, leaning back against the edge. He points to Charlie and speaks with his Norwegian accent showing, "Charles Blake," then pointing to Jenny. "switch seats with Jennifer Lore." The two students look at each other before standing up and sitting in each other's seats.

He then continues the same process of putting the students next to other ones that they have either little or no relations to until the entire class is scrambled; no one but Thomas notices that he was the only person he didn't move. He then says, "Those will be your permanent seats for the rest of the school year." with no emotion in his voice.

Tordssen then stands straight again and walks to the board; he can see some student at the end of the last class changed his name to "Mr. So Serious" as a joke, which makes him sigh again. Which everyone in the study actually thought that's his name until he uses the eraser and makes it disappear, then writing down "Mister Larsen" in place of the fake name.

He turns to the class again and says, "Today we will be learning about the different types of metals and what chemicals cause a reaction to them; I recommend pulling out a notebook and taking notes. This won't be easy to remember with merely your brain, and at the end of the week, we will be taking a test to prove how much you were studying and paying attention in my class.

Thomas, also known as Tom, knows he's always been good at this subject and tests have always been a breeze for him, so he's sure he doesn't have to work too hard in this class. Besides, if he does need help, his father is a master at all homework and could probably figure it out quickly and teach him the basics he needs to know to succeed.

Let's just hope this new school year ends out fine...

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