The Duke of Evervale

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Parker sat in class and fiddled with her pencil. The paper in front of her was blank and had been for a few days. She turned her gaze from the lifeless piece of paper to the window. Outside she could see grassy hills and a few trees. She sighed as she noticed her teacher approach her desk.
"Parker," the instructor began, "you know this assignment is due next week. I suggest you begin writing today, as I won't be giving you an extension."
Parker had to hold back an eye roll, "I don't have anything to write about. I've never been homeless or won a game show. My life is just sorta- I don't know- average."
"It doesn't have to be true, just make something up if you can't think of anything," the teacher replied and gave Parker a comforting look, "I don't want you to fail. Tomorrow I need you to start writing, even if it's just ideas you jot down." After that, the bell rang and Parker gathered her things. She swung her book bag over her shoulder and pushed open the doors to the outside. Class was dismissed, and she wouldn't have to think about her assignment for another 24 hours.
Parker opened the door to her house and stepped inside letting the door swing shut behind her. Her backpack landed on the ground with a thud and cabinet doors slammed shut as she searched the cupboards for a snack. She pulled out two pieces of bread and some peanut butter. The artificial light of the refrigerator lit up the shadowy kitchen. A sigh escaped Parker's lips as she closed the door again: out of jelly. The disappointment was normal as Parker grabbed her sandwich and went upstairs to her room.
The moon had remained in the sky for hours before Parker noticed the absence of the sun. She groggily turned off her phone and set it aside. She gathered an old shirt and shorts off the floor and headed to the bathroom to shower. As the water heated up, Parker looked at herself in the mirror. For the first time, she really studied her reflection. Looking back at her were deep-set eyes with dark circles underneath them. Her sweatshirt was askew and her hair resembled more of a bird's nest than a bun. The pitter-patter of the shower's artificial rain reminded her that she felt as gross as she looked. She decided to stop putting it off and washed up before bed.
Parker could not describe what exactly woke her from her sleep. As she rolled over to check the time on her phone, the overwhelming sensation of thirst hit her. It was the kind of thirst that only happens at night, the intense, throat parching kind that urges your body to find water immediately. Parker threw off her covers and shuffled downstairs to the kitchen. Guided by moonlight, Parker picked her way over to the refrigerator. When she opened the metallic door, she was in for a shock. The barren shelves that greeted her were devoid of the meals that were normally scattered about.
The back of the fridge was no longer a white wall with a fluorescent lightbulb on it, but a wooden door. An iron bar held the wooden pieces together and had a large latch affixed to it. Hesitantly, Parker reached for the rusty handle. With a groan, the door reluctantly opened revealing a hallway with cobblestone walls. Realizing she couldn't discern anything else from so far away, Parker took the leap and crawled through the fridge into the new hallway. The air was cool as she examined her surroundings. Torches on the wall illuminated the dark hallway.
"Hey, miss! You there!" a voice echoed down the hallway. Shortly after it came footsteps belonging to two men dressed in heavy armor. Parker froze; she was unsure if they were addressing her but couldn't remember seeing anyone else. Her confusion was soon gone as the approaching men were staring directly at her.
"What are you doing out of your bedroom at this hour! And what on earth are you wearing?" One of the men took charge and grasped her firmly by the arm. "Tonight is the ball, and your presence there is required. Come now, the tailor has your gown ready for you." Parker was accompanied by the men, who she could only assume were guards, as they led her through a series of twisting corridors and staircases. Finally, they reached a doorway where the two guards remained outside the entrance, and just motioned for her to go in.
"Hello lovely," a large woman with kind eyes spoke, "Let's get you all dolled up, shall we?" Parker smiled at the amiable woman and let her run all sorts of measuring tools down her arms and legs. The seamstress muttered some words about a perfect fit and disappeared into another room.
Parker was presented with the most gorgeous dress she had ever laid her eyes on. It was a maroon color and had sparkles adorning the skirt. The bodice was slim in contrast to the extravagant bottom that fell over a petticoat. She hardly believed she was permitted to try it on.
"Please, go ahead deary, it was handmade just for you!" The seamstress' encouragement was all the push Parker needed. She slipped on the dress and admired herself in the mirror. The deep color complemented her dirty blonde hair. She twirled around in her dress, admiring how the fabric spiraled around her.
"Now time to get that pretty face to match! Let me fetch my assistant. One moment, please," called the seamstress as she strolled out of the room again. When she reentered, a bright young girl was beside her.
With the grace and talent she had never witnessed before, the young girl applied makeup to Parker's face. Her brushes tickled Parker's nose as she tried to sit as still as possible. The makeup artist worked in circles around Parker, touching up spots here and there, making sure her work was perfected. Finally, Parker was handed a mirror and all she could do was stare. Her dark eye circles were erased and a light blush was on her cheeks. Her hair was combed straight as it cascaded down her back. Two small braids from either side of her head joined on the top of her head and created a ponytail that united with the rest of her hair. Parker was stunned; She was beautiful.
"We mustn't keep them waiting any longer. please follow me," the guard explained as he left his post, "Oh, and do not forget your colombina mask. This year's ball is a masquerade." Parker tied the feather-adorned black mask around her face. The pair approached a magnificent staircase that was a stark contrast to the dreary hallways they had previously traveled. It led down to a huge banquet hall, filled with an array of colorful trinkets. Intricate golden chandeliers hung from the ceiling that matched tall lamps spread across the outline of the room. Many people in similarly expensive formalwear were wandering around the open space. Some held drinks in their hands from the luxurious table filled with an array of different appetizers and large vats of liquids. Parker was so entranced with the scene before her she only now realized she was alone atop the staircase. With a deep breath, Parker lifted the skirt of her dress and walked down the stairs to join the rest of the party.
Now down in the crowd of people Parker no longer had a vantage point. She found it was considerably more difficult to properly read the faces of the attendees because of the masks covering their eye expressions. She hoped that was the case and not that everyone was scowling at her. Maybe it was because of that fact that she noticed a young man in the corner of the room who seemed to stand out. Parker couldn't quite place why she went over to him; perhaps it was because he didn't have the same glare everyone else did, or possibly it was because of his striking red hair. Parker didn't have to worry about what to say to this intriguing young man because he broke the silence first.
"You're not from around here are you?" he inquired, then quickly added, "Not that I was watching at you or anything. It's just that I come to these parties often and have never seen you before."
"Is that so? Well, I'll have you know you're correct. But you don't expect me to believe that's the only reason you singled me out. There must be a hundred people here, I doubt you know every single one," Parker retorted.
"Well... there is another reason. But I suspect you'll call me a liar."
"You've piqued my interest. You have to tell me now."
He leaned in closer, "Alright, I know I can trust you. Before my mentor disappeared he told me on the night of a full moon I'll meet a traveler from far away. I think you're supposed to help me prevent something bad from happening."
Parker hesitated. This was all ludicrous; there's no way any of this is really happening, she had to be asleep. But she had entertained this dream for so long, why not accept this strange man's request. This had better be the best darn dream she'd ever had.
"Okay fine, I'll bite. I'm down for this destiny type of thing. But I'd like at least some information from you, Mr. Mystery Man."
The redhead looked startled, "O-oh! What would you like to know?"
"How about your name, for a start?"
"Oh, right! Yes. Of course, my name. I'm Axel!"
"Parker. Nice to meet you. Now, what exactly should we be stopping? Your prophecy was kinda vague."
"I guess the first logical step would be to look around. See if there's anything that's glaringly obvious. I can go ask around to see if someone else has seen anything. More eyes the better. Meet back up with me if you find anything, I'll be around," with that, Axel disappeared into the crowd of people. Parker began to scrutinize the crowd even more closely to look for discrepancies. The first person that caught her eye was a tall pale woman. She wore all black that matched her ebony hair. Her face was sharp and angled, it was as if it was sculpted by an angry artist. She was the cookie-cutter of a stereotypical villain. A little to the left of the mysterious woman stood a large man. Under his golden mask was a big curly beard. His blond hair matched his mask and made the light catch on it. He seemed the more approachable of the two, and she weaved through the crowd to meet him. Before she could even mutter a hello the man addressed her.
"Aye, history starts with no knowledge of it, but history ends once it has been written," the burly man said with a wink. Well, that's gotta be something. She scanned her surroundings searching for Axel to tell him the riddle. She located him chatting with a petite female that wore a yellow dress. When they locked eyes he excused himself and made his way towards her.
"I think I was given a riddle! 'History starts with no knowledge of it, but history ends once it has been written,'" Parker recited looking to see if it made any more sense to Axel than it did to her.
He scratched his chin and responded, "Knowledge and writing... there's a library in this castle if I remember correctly. I say it's worth a shot to check there." With a nod, the two set off in search of the answer to their puzzle.
To the right and down three hallways is where they found their answer. The expanse of books stretched up many meters above them. There were rows and rows of books with faded covers and dust.
"Not a very popular place," Axel joked. Parker was too busy to fake a laugh as she examined the first row of shelves.
"There has to be some sort of difference in one of these books," Parker muttered to herself. As she scanned the rows of books, she took note that a thin layer of dust covered all the book surfaces. All except for one book at the end of the third row against the wall. Fingerprints were exposed on the dust-covered spine and the top had the dust cleared off. Before she called Axel over, curiosity overtook her as she cautiously pulled on the book. To her surprise, gears started turning as the shelf sprang to life. It split into separate walls that opened to reveal a hidden room.
Axel appeared behind Parker, "You found a hidden lever! Nice." Axel started to walk into the newly opened chamber while Parker stood back. Maybe it was because this castle was unfamiliar to her, but it didn't seem smart to just walk into a secret room. Regardless, Axel emerged unscathed holding a glass vial. It was about the size of one's ring finger as it tapered at the top and was topped with a cork. Stuck on the side of the bottle was a white label. The writing was in what appeared to be another language, one neither Parker nor Axel knew.
"Any idea what that is?" Parker questioned as she motioned to the tiny capsule. Axel shook his head in response.
"I've got no clue. My best guess would be that this is some sort of poison," he spoke as he gave it a shake and watched the yellow liquid inside swirled, "but really it could be anything. There were 20 or something more vials back in that room that were all the same. Someone in the main hall might be more knowledgeable about the label." Parker agreed that was a sensible decision, and they set off towards the ballroom.
As they pushed open the grand french doors they stopped. The normal murmur of the crowd had lessened to an uncomfortable silence. Every pair of eyes was intently watching the two latecomers.
"As I predicted," the strong voice came from a small girl in the center of the room. Parker recognized her as the person in the striking yellow dress Axel chatted with earlier.
When the petite girl discerned everyone was focused on her again, she continued, "these are the two I have warned all you kind citizens about. They have come to poison you all in order to steal your valuable jewels! Watch how they hold the poisonous vial without even trying to hide it! How sickening!" She dramatically cast her arm pointing to the bottle Axel clutched in his hands.
"It's not what it looks like," Axel stammered, his eyes as wide as a deer in headlights, "honestly, we just found this vial in the library. I don't know what it even is!"
Axel's account of events fell on deaf ears. The crowd had already heard the woman's tall tale and had decided what was true. No longer was the hall silent and still, but now a new energy flowed through it. Hushed whispers echoed across the room followed by furrowed brows and glares.
"We're telling the truth! I can lead you to the exact location where we found the vial," Parker desperately tried to clarify.
"Liars! Explain that to the hounds!" the feisty woman snapped. She opened her mouth to say more but then closed it again. Surprised, Parker followed her gaze and realized she was staring in their direction.
"Do not be convinced simply by whoever makes the loudest accusations," a voice laced with confidence coming from behind startled Parker. The tall dark-haired woman breezed past Axel and Parker. She leisurely walked down the stairs to face her shorter opponent.
"And before you start rambling, Annalise, I will inform you that I have followed these two adventurers ever since they left this very room," the tall woman directly addressed the other.
"B-but the vial-"
"It is labeled," she turned and addressed the crowd, "Is there anyone here that can read Eiyn?" A man stepped forward. A nudge from Parker sent Axel scrambling down the stairs to hand the bottle over to the translator. He held it close to his eyes, adjusted his glasses, and let out a grunt.
"It reads 'antidote,'" the man replied and returned the vial to Axel and disappeared back into the group.
"It seems the poison has already been distributed. Guards, please take Annalise into holding. I will also need a group to follow me into the library to collect more of the medicine. Rest assured, there is plenty for all of you to be cured," at her command, the crowd disbanded into different groups. Parker turned to Axel in relief.
"Oh man, I so thought we were gonna be axed," Parker remarked and laughed at the thought, "although, I'm still a little confused. Who were those girls? And what did she poison?"
"The short blonde one is Annalise and the tall scary one is Ember, her sister. It's hard to believe they're related when they look so different. I suppose that's why they never got along. Anyways, apparently Annalise had poisoned the drinks. At least, that's what the gossip is," Axel answered with a yawn, "It's been a rather eventful night I would say. I'm ready for bed, how about you?"
As soon as he mentioned it, exhaustion hit Parker like a train. With her adrenaline gone, she finally realized how tired she really was. She agreed it was way past her bedtime, although she wasn't quite sure how to get back home.
"Do you want me to walk you back to your room?" Axel asked, seeming to read her mind. Parker offered a sleepy nod as a response and they exited the ballroom for the last time. Axel took the lead through the labyrinth of a castle until they stopped at a door. To Parker, the door looked like every other door the castle had to offer. But when she pushed open the door, a bedroom was revealed. It looked old and matched the rest of the ancient castle but Parker was far beyond nitpicking. She made her way over to the bed and flopped down, not caring that she was creasing her gown.
"See you later!" Parker could barely decipher if it was really Axel's voice saying that or she was delirious with sleep. Within minutes Parker was in a deep slumber.
The morning sun's rays roused Parker from her rest. As her eyes focused, she looked at her familiar surroundings. No longer were the walls made of stone bricks with lanterns dangling from them. Now she stared at poster covered walls and a messy room. The shrill scream of her alarm clock pulled Parker from her thoughts. As she turned off the alarm clock she was brought back to reality. Of course the previous night's adventures were a dream, potions and castles aren't found in small towns. Parker set aside her disappointment as she got ready for the day and thought of the positives. Her teacher wouldn't have to nag her for an idea anymore, that's for sure.
With a newfound enthusiasm for life, Parker grabbed her satchel for school and bounded down the stairs. She grabbed a granola bar and started her walk to school. As she passed the crosswalk she noticed how the birds started to sing. She inhaled the outside air before she
ambled into the school building.
Come writing class, Parker was beyond prepared. Before the late bell even rang she had her paper out and was furiously scribbling. Her mind seemed to work faster than her hands as she wrote her story, not wanting to forget any details. For the first time, the bell signaling the end of school surprised her. She had written only five pages, she hadn't even gotten to the secret door yet! It was like a new breath of life was breathed into her, she was eager to write more. Regardless, Parker packed up her things as the teacher made his way to the front of the room.
"Oh and class, I have just received an email about a new student tomorrow. I want you to all be welcoming to him, he's moved from very far away," the teacher checked his phone again, "and his name is Axel Cromwell. Class dismissed!"

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