16- Why?

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TEJ STARTED UP WITH GOD'S EYE TO LOOK FOR DOM. "GOT HIM. HE'S IN LONDON." They heard a beep from the computer and Ramsey noticed something.

"Wait, we've got a second match in Hong Kong." She added.

"Beijing and Seul." Roman said as he saw it the screen.

"And Tokyo." Tej added.

"And just about every other major city on the planet." Sidney said as Tej gave her that hot smirk she loved.

Nobody walked up to them. "And so! God's eye was where he started. But Cipher's already created an evasion that masks their location by pinging random spots all over the globe, but it was a good thought, Roman."

"So, she's made my program obsolete."

"And that Ramsey, is why you're here."

"See! Simple solutions aren't gonna, cut it here, slick" Nobody said, walking past Roman.

"Why you look at me when you say that?" Rome asked him.

"Wait a second! wait, wait. Simple solutions might just cut it. You see in order for God's eye to give off all these fakes pings, means they have to be using a flea already." Tej told them.

"Which means it has a decaying sync randomiser." Ramsey added.

"Which we can reverse....." Tej said, understanding about Ramsey's going.

"And track it back to the origination source and find Dom's true location." Ramsey smirked.

Rome looked proud of himself. "That was my idea. That's what I was saying. Remember in there?"

Nobody clapped to catch their attention. "Alright! let's do this." Tej started looking for Dom again, eliminating The locations and Rome teased with wannabe again as Tej finally got gods eyes. "Leads is to one spot.

Mr.Nobody was the first to notice the spot. "This is interesting"

"Why?" Sidney furrowed her brows by the spot he just found.

"Because that's here." He replied pointing right at our basement.

Then everything came clear,when I widen my eyes, Suddenly an explosion is heard until the glass doors explode as Sidney jumped down the floor,Tej helping her down while she was covering her ears, not to get everything furry until I see a woman and.....


Her head was dizzy until Dom shot every glass, pointing at them while Sidney groaned a little when she checked over Tej, that was leaning down the floor next to her and she slowly shook his shoulder. "Tej..." She whispered as he groaned a little and tears filled her eyes.

"Dom...." Sidney whispered but he just took a glare at her.

"Sidney Jones, what a pleasure to see you again." Cipher with her evil eyes watched her. Sidney could've throw a punch but she was too dizzy only to get angry at least.

"Dom!" Letty shouted as he stopped walking, turning slowly around as she looked at him. "You're gonna turn your back on family... Just like that?" She asked until Cipher walked over to Dom, wrapping her arm over his neck, looking at Letty when she slowly kissed him and Sidney was in pure shock but looked away.

"Let's go." She whispered to him as they walked away.


While everyone's recovering, they tried to find out the next step of the plan. "Damn it! she wiped it all. She took God's eye." Wannabe said, looking at the computer. "That was the one thing we could use to find them. We lost everything."

Hobbs noticed Deckard on the laptop. "What do you got princess?"

"Finding Toretto." He responded. "But I got a couple of minutes to spare, if you want me to send you to the hospital... again."

Hobbs smirked. "Yo rules!"

Wannabe didn't look impressed by the name, Hobbs has given him. "First off, that's not my name—"

"Little Nobody." Rome came up with a name for him.

"Don't call me that!" Wannabe said, pointing out.

"Oh! That's definitely sticking." Tej added.

"Great! do me a favour and tell your majesty over there that we're gonna find Toretto as a Team. And when this is all over with, I'm happy to slap that whisker biscuit right off his face." Hobbs interrupted.

"Wait a minute, guys." Ramsey noticed. "I think Deckard's actually onto something. How do you think Dom and Cipher got onto the country without us knowing? Ghost flights."

"I thought untraceable aircraft was all internet conspiracy stuff?" Tej asked.

"It's not." Nobody said. "Satellites and Radar grids across the globe shift like an ocean. And theoretically, if you know the right people who know the right patterns—"

"You can fly right through the blind spots completely undetected." Ramsey said.

"Do you know where Dom is headed?" Sidney asked.

"Yeah. New York." Deck said looking at her, which made Sidney uncomfortable.

"You see there Luke," Nobody turned to Hobbs. "you guys are gonna get along, just great. Which proves the rule number two, you never gonna loose anything." He said, putting his jacket on. "Fire up the chopper." He said onto a little microphone, turning to them. "Well guys, have a ball in the big apple."

Everyone got ready to leave as a truck is tracking us to New York so they could hide in the back, not to be seen by Cipher.

As Sidney walked into the truck and sat down, Sidney had enough. How could the person that killed her parents be with Dom now? How did that come out of nowhere?

Chapters are pulling up!

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