DARK FORCES:The Cave of Mourning Souls

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DARK FORCES:The Cave of Mourning Souls

 Chapter I: In Memoir of the dead

When I woke up in that ordinary Saturday morning, a month before school would cease. It was foggy outside. Some areas of the city of San Francisco, California have a vast amount of fog including ours. A little smile drew into my face when I just remembered that there were no crappy hours for school today. When I opened my window a cold air damped into my skin and ribs that made me grasp and force me to make a hot cup of tea when I go downstairs. Before the irritating shriek of alarm clock would strike me, I had already rushed from my bed and take a quick shower. I was in our dining room and taking my breakfast when I remembered that today is my fifteenth birthday that I almost forgotten. I’m wondering if mom or dad remembered the one of the most remarkable day in my life or they has a surprise presents for me but I’m also has a conclusion that they might forget about it. I ate my breakfast rapidly. There was an eight pieces of pancake beneath the sink, a syrup, a melted cheese and a bunch of chicken hotdogs, maybe mom cooked it before she lived.  I used to eat my breakfast rapidly every morning and that’s the least of my daily routine. I forgot to eat sometimes due to rush hour.

An old month had gone, April was totally over, I already feel the heartbeat of the summer even though it's still chill. Trees, grasses looks fresher as I ever expect it. Everything seem to be crisp.   The time flies so fast so nobody could get adjustments. 

I rode into my bike and drive rapidly as faster as I can. I can still feel the cold air of the month of May. The street was full of fog. Until I reached the wet and cold street of Xena,St. with full of fog that even the streetlights could not carry it. A dense fog in the street sides are slowly evaporating but unnoticed. Children in some street side was joyful as the chirping birds that realizes and noticed that it's time to go back at their original places. As I continued to walk, I noticed that it was beginning to drizzle. A little drops of drizzles glancing into my head. I slightly not feel it because I had my jacket with the hood in my head. In the midst of silence, I realizes that I need to buy a cereals for my big sister. I found myself here in the foggy street of Xena,St. .Walking slowly and staring in the far place that making me insane or fool in the eyes of other people there.

I ran rapidly as I could.Until I found myself in the mini market paying the cashier with my cereals in a plastic bag.

"How much was this all?'' I mumbled to the counter.

''two dollars'' the cashier girl replied.

''It's three big sizes cereals,Isn't ?''


 I got home, bringing the cereals that only for my big sister,Gertrudis,which is now a senior high school,preparing for her grand debut this coming spring.I hate her acts that she's inviting the whole campus and calling up her friends as many as her can.

I was alone in our home,realizing that a lot of miseries try to glance at me. Mom and Dad wasn't their instead. Until I decided to pick up a piece of old novels from the attic that from our grandmother's possession,which is died from a heart disease a year ago.I found in our attic some stack old things which our previous furnitures, clothes, personal things.

The most special was,I found at one dark side a dusty old huge box, A name Significa Cloaks written down on it's front side,which means,the owner of the huge old dusty box was my grandmother. I excitingly open down the box, without thinking that it must be used or hold by someone except from her. I flipped down through the dusty old books that stacked in a huge box.I get down effortless but careful, so nobody could notice if they are already here .I found some old novels that all written in her precious name: ''Significa Cloaks" with the titles, To Kill A Mocking Bird, Pride and Prejudice, Dracula,some were old Time Magazines that issued in 1950s and 1960s with an old artist on the cover with a black and white picture. At last, I found old record disc which had a numerous songs in 1950s with an artist on it, it was Beatles and The Platters, that I think my Grandmother's most junkie of. 

A diary which is about a size of half ruler caught my eye, the ownership of it, of course was my long lost grandma. I rapidly get it until I saw dozens of pictures stacked inside of it in the frontpage. I noticed that both of them marks their smile a very blissful face. I think they were no problems had glance at them in that years.

It was really emotional and disgusting when we are in the period of my grandma's burial. Nine years later when my granpa died, she lose her breath that captivated our blissful life which turned slowly into a miseries that keep penetrating our whole system each day and weeks and remembering her joyful face when grandpa is still alive .I was only 6 when he was died. I found myself Mourning in my granparent's corpse far from here, which felt me from being alone when they died and abandoned me here in our cage home.

I grasp all of the things that our grandparents left to us as a memoriam, felt their warmth which serves us from not being forgottten their helps in the early days of our parents's marriage.

A few minutes had passed, I hear a loud knock of the door and a familiar voice which made me jump in a few moment because of shock. Before I would run downstairs and open the door, I fasterly but carefully kept all the things that i pick and put them in a dark side of the attic.

I leaned forward through the door and opened it. My parents wasn't carrying anything. I sighed. I was expecting that they would buy me something that i didn't know. But it was absolutely opposite to my conclusion. Today is my fifteenth birthday and I think that my parents is completely not aware of this event.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2011 ⏰

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