Chapter 1 katy goes to the dentist

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One day Katy was on her way to the dentist Katy asked her mom if she can get a smoothie called changing the world and this shake is the shake that can change everything.Her mom did not this but she gave it to Katy anyway and Katy drank it and soon they arrived at the dentist and everything changed.

Chapter 2
Meanwhile back at home Katy's dad was cooking dinner for when they come back and soon he realized they never came back so he called Katy's mom to see if they were okay and they weren't. The shake that Katy had turned everyone into vampires and Katy and her mom got bit.It wasn't good cause now they are half human and half vampire there dad said. Soon there dad decided to come to the dentist.

When her dad arrived he soon got bit and was half human and half vampire. There was no way for them to get out of it and soon they had to live like that so they moved into a evil town and it was called epic evil ville so after they moved there it was there that they lived happily ever after

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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