Chapter-5 (Part 1)

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Crystal's POV 

The warm water ran from the shower, the sound muffling my cries of pain. I again woke up today, with a pain jolting up my body making it hard to breathe. I crawled my way into the shower, so that no one could hear my cries. I don't want Gemma and my parents to get worried and demand answers from me. It would be hard to lie to them again, and I don't want to see the hurt in their eyes when I refuse to tell them the truth.

The pain slowly started to subside, while I took in deep breaths. Getting up from the wet floor, I stripped out of my nightwear which was soaking wet by now. I started to shower my mind wandering to last night's event. 

Flashback :

After completing dinner, Gemma and I offered to do the dishes pushing Mama out of the kitchen. 

"When is Carla coming back?" Gemma asked as I dried the dishes using the towel.

"Don't know, her granny is still a bit weak. Maybe after a week or so." I replied with a shrug.

"I wish we also had family outside the pack. It would be so much fun visiting other packs." Gemma said.

"You forgot about aunt Mindy! She stays in some other pack right?" I asked remembering our sweet aunt. She was Mama's sister who left the pack after she found her mate while visiting another pack.

"Yeah, but we don't have contact with her anymore. So visiting her is out of the question." Gemma stated. 

"Hmm..I wonder why she stopped visiting us. I miss her baked goodies." I replied. Gemma just shrugged in response.

"Hey, what if I find a mate in another pack?" Gemma suddenly asked after a minute of silence.

"It would be great. We can then peacefully live here." I said mockingly. 

"Rude." Gemma taunted. 

After completing the task, we bid goodnight to Mama and Papa who were watching television and retrieved into our rooms. I decided to read a book before heading to bed. Changing into my pajamas, I climbed into my bed and pulled the book out of my bedside drawer. 

I read attentively as the protagonist was being chased among the woods. She sees a glimmer of light at a distance and as she was about to reach it my phone rang, shocking me. The book fell into the sheets, as I tried to calm down my nerves. The ringtone blared throughout the room, urging me to pick it up fast.

I picked it up to find Carla's name displayed on the screen, a smile broke onto my face and I swiped the green button.

"Are you alright?" Was the first thing Carla asked.

"Yeah..what would happen to me." I said sounding uncertain. It seems that the only thing people ask me now is if I am all right.

"Jake had called earlier telling me that Xavier insulted you." Carla explained. 

I gritted my teeth, that pig can't keep his mouth shut. He knows how worked up Carla gets when someone insults me, and yet he goes on telling her.

"Hello?" Carla's voice said, breaking my thoughts. 

" wasn't anything big. Don't worry I am fine." I replied assuring her.

"Crysty...I know how you feel about Xavier. Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it?" Carla inquired. 

Carla was the only one that knew about my crush on Xavier. 

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