Chapter 1

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The lone planet of Unaquatium was the only planet in the galaxy of Quintinium. The planet was home to unique races: Yakima, Coello, Serpe, and Amorita. There was also a large variety of animals such as squirrels, rabbits, fish, tigers, wolves, and ferrets. There was also a large variety of reptiles such as snakes, lizards, geckos, and basilisks. The Yakima were humanoid wolves with dog-like ears while the Amorita were humanoid felines with cat-like ears and a bushy tail. The Coello were humans with rabbit-like ears and round bushy tails while the Serpe were humans with reptilian skin and fingernails that were more like claws. The Yakima and Amorita on this planet were enemies due to past historical events. The most memorable event that made them enemies was the kidnapping of prince Prompto's soon to be bride. His bride to be was, in fact, a Yakima. She was very controlling, abusive and had a terrible temper. If a situation didn't go her way she would throw the closest object she could find at the person blocking her way. Her name was Anevir Temal and most of the Amorita in the clan hated her. The Queen of the Blue Devil clan, on the other hand, loved her which was the reason why she was forcing her only son to marry her. However, Prompto was not in love with her so when his bride-to-be was kidnapped he didn't even try to get her back. Prompto was one of the Amorita that hated Anevir, so when she went missing he was overjoyed. His mother was freaking out and screaming at every one of the clan's officials.

To get away from all the chaos Prompto put his hands in his pockets and went for a walk through the woods. With his head down he put his headphones on and began to dance. While he was dancing he tripped over a rock and fell through a thorn bush and into a clearing. The clearing was filled with flowers and fresh dew covered the grass. In the center of the clearing, he saw a white she-cat with an amber tail. Forgetting the pain he was feeling, he slowly inched closer. Being a foot away he could hear the she-cat singing.

The she-cat's ears flicked in the wind as she sang. Prompto looked the she-cat over and noticed that she bore the dove mark of the White Angel clan. She loved coming into the woods to relax and thought that no one from her clan would ever think to look for her in the woods. The she-cat was called Amber throughout her clan. Amber was skilled in combat and healing but her only flaws were that she was an orphan and she was cursed as a child. However not many folk knew she was cursed. Amber still remembers the person who cast the curse. The caster of the curse was a Yakima that went by the name of Kristina Blackwell. So for Amber to get rid of the thoughts going through her head, she would sing.

As she was singing she felt a presence. She didn't know who it was so she slowly slid her tail around the folk's ankle and pulled as hard as she could, successfully tripping the folk. When the folk fell hard on his back, Amber kicked off the ground doing a back flip and landing by Prompto's head sliding a blade under his chin. She looked at him with her ears flattened for what felt like forever. When she saw that he was not her enemy and that the folk was already hurt she removed her blade from under his chin and helped him up.

Sheathing her blade she said, "sorry I thought you were someone else."

Prompto hit the ground so hard that he thought that the she-cat standing above him was an angel with a bright light casting a shadow over him as the she-cat spoke in the most heavenly voice he had ever heard. He was so mesmerized by her beauty that he just couldn't bring himself to speak. This Amorita seemed to capture his heart right away. He took in every feature of her face, her emerald green eyes with a hint of gold around the iris. Her amber colored whiskers, her sand blonde hair that blew majestically in the wind. On her right ear, he saw that it looked as though it had been burned. To Prompto it felt like one of the stories his mother used to read to him every night before he went to bed. The light seemed to radiate off of her and cause the she-cat to look as though she were glowing.

Amber waved her hand in front of Prompto's face but when he didn't budge she resulted to snapping in his ear. Prompto looked as if he was daydreaming. Her clan was mostly filled with she-cats so Amber didn't know how to handle the tom. The only male Amorita there was the leader, Axel.

"Hello... sir are you okay?" Amber asked. She was beginning to worry.

Amber lifted up the sides of Prompto's cloak to see what clan he was from. When she found it, she traced the snake emblem that was branded on his right shoulder.

"You're from the Blue Devil clan?" She asked, astonished.

She couldn't believe her luck, she sat back and stared at the sky waiting for him to speak. She waited and waited, still nothing came out of the tom cat's mouth.

"Well if you're not going to speak I might as well carry you to my clan leader," Amber says with a touch of sass in her voice.

She grabbed Prompto by his tail and dragged him through the woods, back to her clan that was hidden within the trees. As she passed by her clan mates they all gawked at the tom that she was dragging. Amber kept her head down as she made her way to the center of the clan where Axel resided. When she was at his door she knocked and waited for a response.

"Come in," Said a gruff voice.

Amber dragged the tom into the room and dropped him. *Thump!* 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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