Chapter One

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Brinley's POV.

My alarm clock goes off at 7:30 every morning so I can be ready by 8:30 for class at 9. My roommates/best friends, McKenna Keyser, Ashleigh Wilson and Ella Norton, all depend on my alarm also, because they are too cheap to buy their own. But today, something went wrong, and my alarm doesn't go off.

We're woken up at 8:35 to the sound of our dorm adviser, Tilly, pounding on the door. As I slowly open my eyes, the panic begins.

"Guys! Guys get up! We have 25 minutes to get ready and get to class!" I yell at my sleeping roommates.

Ella, who made the bad decision of picking the top bunk this semester, gets tangled up in her covers and falls off the bed. "Ella!" we all scream in unison. "I'm okay." she mutters, her face buried in the carpet.

I run a brush through my hair, put on minimal make-up and get dressed in a random pair of leggings and a long sweater. When we're all finally ready, it's 8:55.

We run out of the dorm room and down the hall and out into the courtyard to find fast transportation. I spot a golf cart by the fountain and motion to the other girls to follow me. Thankfully, whoever left this golf cart left the keys in ignition.

"Get in." I tell them. Ella and McKenna do as told, but Ashleigh just stands there.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"Are you sure we should do this? I mean, it's not even our golf cart." she whimpers.

"Ashleigh, get in or get a tardy! You have 10 seconds or I'm leaving." I say. It's a little harsh, but if I get another tardy, I might get expelled and that can't happen!

"Fine." she growls and hops in the back with McKenna.

"Okay, hold on tight ladies I'm about to see how fast this baby can go." I say as I turn the keys and listen to the low rumble of the engine start. I flatten the gas pedal against the floor and feel my body jerk back as the golf cart begins to speed across campus.

"Watch out! Get out of the way! Coming through!" me and the girls shout at random pedestrians. I constantly zig-zag to try my best not to run someone over, as I've come close to many times. As I stomp on the brake, all of us go flying in different directions. Ella and I fall out the front and roll over the hood before hitting the concrete, while McKenna and Ashleigh end up in the front seats' floorboard.

"Okay, so that wasn't my best idea." I groan in pain.

"Ya think." Ashleigh says while attempting to stand up.

I check the time, but I don't like what I see. It's 9:01. Someone must have called the nurse for us, because the nurse's golf cart showed up about 30 seconds later. Four nurses jump out with a large first aid kit and tend to our wounds. McKenna and Ashleigh both had a few large bruises, and McKenna got a black eye from her eye being jammed into the steering wheel. Ella got some bruises and scrapes here and there and a slightly sprained wrist. I, on the other hand, got bruises, scrapes, a dislocated pinky finger and a slight concussion. McKenna, Ella and Ashleigh were told to go to class, but I was forced to miss class and go to the nurses office for treatment. They laid me on the bed and put an ice pack on my forehead. They gave me some medicine for the pain and popped my pinky back into the socket, then told me to take a nap. This is going to be a long day...

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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