1 | keys to my heart

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the lights dim around your frame, making you nothing more than a mere silhouette in the mists of a beam of light to the audience.

you inhale, taking in the sweet smell of printed papers and marble keys, steadying your thoughts.

your hands shake with anticipation, hearing the muffled sound of the audience shuffling around in their seats, waiting for you to start.

"a keyboard!" you exclaim excitedly, quickly tearing off the remainder of the brightly decorated paper that was wrapped around the box.

your parents watch from a distance, both quietly sipping on their morning coffee, taking in the beauty of the moment.

"all for you baby!" your mother sets down her coffee, clasps her hands together and comes over to you.

"we know how much you've wanted that keyboard, sweetheart." your father exclaims gruffly, still tired from having to be woken up so early in the morning.

you flash a toothy smile, jumping up from your spot that was next to the Christmas tree, burrowed in papers, boxes and presents to wrap your arms around your mother.

"thank you! thank you! thank you!"

you look up into the canvas of speckled black, the spotlight making it nearly impossible for you to see the faces of the audience around you.

you lower your head, hands rigidly hovering over the assortment of glossy black and white keys, to first position.

you close your eyes, hands moving freely as you begin the virtue. the melody was quick to bounce off the walls, filling the room with music notes that you were all too familiar with. you felt at home once again.

without much thought, your hands run over the keys. practicing for this exact moment, it was all muscle memory by now.

your mind wonders as you continue to press the keys, earning the satisfying sound of each note that has been played.

"good job honey!" your mother pears over your shoulder as she pats you on the back. you look up to her and smile.

"i knew you would like it!" you giggle as she ruffles  your hair.

"baby's all grown up." your mother fake cries as she wipes the 'tears' from her eyes with a cloth. "already learning her first song on the piano."

"mommmm!" you whine.

you smile, slowing down and playing the most delicate and intricate part of the piece. it rang through your ears and wrapped around you like a warm hug.

your mind begins to wander again.

"all you ever do is play that stupid thing in your room!" your aunt proclaims as she sits herself down around the dinner table.

"why don't you stop and spend sometime with us for once?" she asks as she plates her food.

your smile wavers before you nod lightly. sitting down at the table with your head looking down towards your lap.

"it's not a real talent anyways." your aunt continues.

your eyebrows knit together at the memory played inside your head.

you hit the wrong note.

"you don't honestly think your going to make it somewhere playing the piano, do you?" your father asks, not realizing the jeopardy of the situation.

you freeze, looking for your mother for help. she only shrugs her shoulders in response.

"do you?" he asks again.

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