Part 1 : Meet

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*Aurora Pov*

I woke up from my sleep but not that beauty sleep since i was sleeping on rug. It's been 10 years i sleep in this room or known as store. I'm 20 if you guys wondering how old i am. When i woke up and i look at clock its 9.20 a.m 'Gosh i'm late for work' and I hurried to the bathroom to clean my body, brush my teeth and change my clothes.

After cleaning myself, i was ready for work but then i must careful walking around the house, so i my step parents and sister will not hits me like they always do since 10 years ago. As I got closer to the door of my house I heard my name mentioned by my step sister, so when i turned around my face got slapped by her and not enough of that she kicked leg and i fell. As soon as i fell my step dad and mom kicked me at stomach like i was punchbag. After they abused me, I immediately went to the kitchen to take painkiller quickly and went to the bathroom and applied foundation to my face for covering my bruise when i get to work.

The distance from my house to work only takes 10 minutes to walk. While I was walking I saw my best friend Anna waiting for me in front of the cafe where we both work.

"How do you do best?" She ask as we reach to cafe. "Well just like any other day" answered her. "You know you should live me instead with freaking people at your home. Aurora please live with me i don't you hurts anymore it kind i'm useless since i know you live crazy people there" she take my hand and she look sad. Anna and i friend since we were childhood that when my real parents still alive.

"But Anna i don't want bother you and your family. I know you nice but i don't want my parent and sister acting crazy if they know you help me

"i know Anna nice but i don't people at my house attack her and i do not want my best friend hurts because of me.

" But bessssssss...." I cut off words "Anna please, i promise if they hurts me i will go to your house" i'm give my puppy dog know she will let me.

"Okay, but you must promised me okay?"
"Aye aye captain" i saluted her but forgive me Anna because i will not keep my promise.

"Okay girls, enough with chit chat. Time to workkk!!" Sandra shout as walked into the back room. Sandra is 30 years old and she own this cafe (Daisy Cafe). She treat me and Anna like her child since she cannot give birth but thankful to her husband never leave her alone although he know her condition.

"Yes maam!" We both salute her and hurried clean up what we should before open the cafe. Cafe it will open at 10 a.m.

As we started worked i went to bathroom looked at my face for the last time and apply some bruise at my face and neck because i don't want sympathetic look from our customer and mostly i want hide it from Sandra since she don't know anythings.

Anna shouted out me "Aurora where are you?! Can you your face before i die??!!" I laugh at her words i don't know why but known Anna, i know there handsome customer that she adore.

"Why would die huh? Or you in love with some old man there that you willing to die?" I answered as i walked out from toilet and laughed.

"Aurora, are you willing die at my hand?" And she act like she hold knife.

"Okay i surrender"  i put my hand at my head as i said that "So tell me why would you die?"

"You know about mafia right" and i just nodded to lets she continues "YOU KNOW THERE KING GANGLEADER AT OUR CAFE WITH HIS FRIENDS OR MAYBE BODYGUARD. BUT THE FUCK THE FREAKING HANDSOME" she pretend to cry like always whenever she saw handsome guy. But i'm so cluless like 'who is king' and why whenever i go somewhere i always heard people speaked of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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