Aries: Ares, God of War
Taurus: Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty
Gemini: Athena, Godess of Wisdom and Military Victory
Cancer: Artemis, Goddess of the Moon and the Wilderness
Leo: Apollo, God of the Sun and the Light
Virgo: Demeter, Goddess of Grain and Agriculture
Libra: Hera, Goddess of Women and Marriage
Scorpio: Kali, Goddess of Death, Sexuality, and DESTRUCTION is that HADES in other words???
Sagittarius: Zeus, God of the Sky and Thunder
Capricorn: Persephone, Goddess of Harvest and Queen of the Underworld So, I'm the queen of the underworld huh...
Aquarius: Promethus, God of Forethought and Mankind
Pisces: Ishtar, Godess of Fertility and Universal Love
The COLORFUL Teen Life of the Zodiac Signs
De TodoWhat if the Zodiac Signs have lived a normal teenage life like us teenagers do? And what if they also attend to highschool, the place where all the romance and shiz happens? And what if...... The Signs get dragged into hilarious situations that even...