Angel's are what they call us, in our world, we fend of the book's of fate ,away from evil. The being's that try to destroy and rerwrite the books into thier liking's are called 'Demons' ,they try to posess the bodies of the character's in the story to throw the peace off blance .My father ,king Laccrus ,king of the books and the protector of the Gods realm uses' his power to keep peace on balance.
Today's the day i get married to Ray, Raymond Von Listle ,otherwise known as, and i quote 'the perfect man to marry.'
I never planned to marry any one.....EVER!!!
Put all the vasels in one and they decided to make my father think it through ,they knew how stubbern my father was, once he put's his mind to it, there is no turning back, thats what make's him, well, him.
The castle was bustling with exitement, while i slowly made my way into the secret passage way's i had made when i was about......... 8.
Going through the passage ways i could still hear their exitement to finaly the face reveal of their 'ice princess', the princess who always wore a white mask.
(sorry you guys, i cant be there at the revealing hall. I will sacrifice everything in my power just get away from..well...him.)
As i went through the passage, i made my way through the exit, as i heard my father's stearn, angry and ...............scarry yell.
It's still making chill's run down my spine.
I, then exited the passege way to reveal a very big room, bigger than any room ive ever been in, i use to use this room as my escape pod to get away from my duties, and my..........doting father, the room had many books, quite like a library but more important than one, it stores all the fates of people, this room is only open to those of the royal bloodline, that kinda worked to my advantage.The library was filled with books, but one seemed to peaqe my intrest every time i see it, it draws me in, i get paralized, as if it wants me to go closer, calling my name, like the last time i sneaked in to get a closer look.
*step step step*
I heared someone approaching the door.
*step step.........*
I panniked, accadentaly stepping on a book, i slipped and fell right beside the allouring book.
The book was bergendy brown, golden rimed and a corner of the book looked like it was burning. Right before i realized i was too close, the books' chain's tied me, sucking me in.
It was silent.
Thoughts bursted into my head.
"where am i?"
"am i"
"i cannot die, im an how?"
It was dark but light,
comftable but rough,
reasuring but ansousing.I then heard a seemed like a girl sang it.
*The girl hummed*
It was a sad but happy song,
Hellish but heavenly song,
Sorrowfull but joyfull song,
i couldn't make it out."My pale heart, lightly floating~"
"Was warmed up and quietly awoke~"
"When it descended to the ground~"
"There was nothing there~"
"But the wind smelled sweet~"
"And your voice reached me~"
"I didn't realize i was being -----"
I could not make out the last word of the song.
An uncomftable ray of light shone on my eye.
I woke up to see two men with mortal like cloths, i was 99% sure that i was still in heaven, with 100% garantee they are just dressing up.........or so i thought.