Hi my name is Mia, I only have one friend and everyone hates me. I don't know what I have done for everyone to hate me but I mean I think I am okay with it.
Anyways on to my first day of school!
After I wake up and get dressed I go to the kitchen only to find nothing. Are you kidding there is usually food waiting for me there is literally nothing at all on this table"You know what I don't need anything I guess I should just go to school"
As I start to walk to school Alice runs up to me.
Alice- "hey girl I got new glasses you like?"
Mia-"yeah I love them!! so are you exited for another year?"
Alice-" ugh why would u even ask that. Everyone is mean to us and hates us".
Mia- "negative much haha".
Alice- "hey look over there it looks like a new girl"
Mia-"yeah I wonder if she is in our grade"
Alice-"well lets get to her before the so called "cool kids" get to her