An unexpected visit

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Springtrap's P.O.V

Alone again, trapped behind this room, all by myself with nobody to talk to. Unless you count my darker self. Sitting in the same spot all day and sleeping there all night is the most boring thing I can do. But then again, what else if there to even do? I guess talking to myself and playing games by myself is what I can do. But it wouldn't make a difference. I wish Leo would come back, he seems to really want to have me as a friend. A friend...that's a title that nobody's ever given me. It's actually kinda sad. Good thing my other part of here to talk me out of that thought.

"So, do you think the kid is coming back?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because he sounded so disappointed and angry to finally be free from the parts and service?"

"Yeah, you're right. He did seem kinda pissed off. But that doesn't mean that he could be coming back any time soon. It's best not to get your hopes up."

"You know, I've always wondered why people always say that."

"Its know what? Forget I said anything. Let's just go to bed, I was feeling tired anyway."

"Uhg, you're boring."

"I'm you, remember?"

"Heh, well played."

With that I curl up into a ball and close my eyes. After a while, I fall asleep. I dream of what the outside world is like. Wondering how much it's changed. What's new? Are people still the same? I guess I'll never know until I get out of here. That is if I get out of here.

▪▪▪Time skip to midnight

I lazily open my eyes as I wake up. It must be 12 AM then. But I hear something from the other side of the door. As soon as I make out that its a voice, I immediately know who that is.

"Well, that's useless now." I hear him say. I then stand up and go over to the door and sit against the wall. I wanna be able to hear what the kid if saying clearly, and I can't do that sitting across then room. But I just wanna make sure that I'm not imagining it so I ask him.

"Drake, is that you?" I ask.

"Yeah Springtrap. It's me." He replies.

"Oh, so you did come back after all." I say.

"Well, yeah. I kinda had to." He says.

"What makes you say that?" I ask.

"Well, you're my friend, and I wouldn't want you trapped behind a wall. So I came back to free you." He says. Wait, friend? He thinks of me as a friend? We only met two nights ago, and I he doesn't even know who, or in this case what, I am. And yet he calls me his friend. Soon a tear starts forming in my eye, and more starts forming. Before I know it, I'm crying.

"Friend? You think I'm your...friend?" I say.

"Springtrap, are you okay?" Leo asks calmingly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just..." I sniffs a little before speaking again.

"Nobody's ever called me their friend before. You're the first person to do that." I say.

"Really? You don't have any other friends?" He ask.

"Nope. I've been trapped in here for so long..." I say sniffing again. I wipe away the tears and try to put on a happy face.

"You must be really lonely then."


"Well, I'm gonna get you out of here Springy, I promise."

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