A good boy

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Billy always listens to his mother he always does what she says.If his mother says "Brush your teeth"
Billy brushes his teeth.
If she says "go to bed "
Billy goes to the bed . Billy is a very good boy . very good boy listens to  his mother. His mother doesn't have to ask him again.she asks him to do something  one time and she doesn't ask again . Billy is a good boy . he does what his mother asks the first time. She doesn't have  ask to ask again. She tells Billy "you are my best child" of course Billy is her best child. Billy is her only child


بيلي دائمآ يستمع الى امه هو دائمآ يفعل ما تقوله اذا والدته  قالت" اغسل اسنانك" ينضف بيلي اسنانه .اذا قالت والدته "اذهب الى الفراش"يذهب بيلي الى الفراش. بيلي فتى جيد جدآ . الفتى الجيد يستمع لامه . لا يتعين على والدته ان تسئله مرة اخرى. تطلب منه ان يفعل شيئآ مرة واحدة و لا تطلب منه مرة اخرى . بيلي فتى جيد يفعل ما تطلبه والدته في المرة الاولى ليس عليها ان تطلب مرة اخرى. قالت بيلي انت افضل طفل لي . بالطبع بيلي هو افضل طفل لها . بيلي هو طفلها الوحيد

A good boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن