Brothers of The Core

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      Sans was often thought to be innocent in all eyes. But, he was often anything but that. Sans wasn't very nice, well he was just not in fights. Sans would often go off and fight other monsters, when questioned he simply avoids the question. Many people would brush him off as a skeletal cutie. Well he was. In fact he was so 'cute' the core couldn't resist him! He was smart, but being pushed doesn't desire smarts.
Papyrus has been lying for ages. Sans had gone missing, thus missing his training sessions and worrying Alphys. Papyrus didn't exactly know where Sans was. You see, when falling in the core it teleports you some where else. He still knew that Sans needed help though. His younger brother held his scarf, and armor. By armor he has Sans' shoulder pads and nothing more of the armor. Papyrus has first hand seen the human. Chara...Why? They trusted the human. Well...Papyrus didn't but Sans did. Like his Undertale counterpart Sans loves puns, ketchup and his brother. A trait that belongs to most Papyrus's hope. This Sans knew what the human had done. Yet he still believed in them. That they could be better...Guess they proved him wrong.
Chara Jackson, around 10 years of age. Yet when looked in the eyes they seemed like they had witnessed the horror of humans. Chara has messy blonde hair kept in a short side ponytail. Papyrus has asked their gender, the response? Death stare. Chara has insisted on they/them pro-nouns. Nobody was complaining just they didn't wanted to know. A lime sweater with a yellow stripe stuffed into brown overalls. Many would often see the child speak to air and ask it questions. Monsters were confused as Chara knew their language and sometimes their eyes shined a bright yellow and drifted into space. They would often be found wondering the underground...almost waiting for something. Then there was that cursed cat-dog thing. It called themself Temmie and used him/he pro-nouns.
Temmie wore a a violet(my AU) sweater with a pinkish stripe. He would follow the fallen human wherever they went. Often popping up and scaring Chara. The cat/dog monster had about two moods: 'I wiLl DuSt YOu' and Don'T KiLl ME'. He was dangerous. Only some knew of resets, he was one of them.
Frisk...Not many knew the name of the prince. Well many knew it, but not that he lived. Frisk followed the child known as Chara. In fact they would often hang out. As you might as well friend who you have to follow for your afterlife. He adorned a faded violet sweater with a pinkish stripe and brownish shorts.His clothes badly ripped and faded. Bandages on many surfaces.
Then we have Sans. A cheerful skeleton with a job to do. His mind was a vast place and if you tried to break it, you would fail. He adorned a cyanish scarf with a gray battle body. The skeleton was somehow cubby? His skull shaped into cheeks super squishy with a tummy to go along. Almost always had a blue bone on his side.
Papyrus, younger brother of Sans. Papyrus often wore a orange hoodie with brown shorts. A cigarette floated lightly away from where his lips would be. Skeletal hands always in his pockets unless holding a bottle of honey. His main area? Muffet's bar. The spider held a lonnnnnggggg tab for the taller Skeleton.
The brothers of core...The core produced many weird things. Just like Sans! Just like their dad...Their father had fallen and come back, but he didn't know them. He didn't remember his kids...Sans? Papyrus has seen Sans teleport before hitting the lava that is the core. If the smaller Skeleton ever came back Papyrus doubted Sans would remember him. Papyrus has confronted Chara many many many times. Yet no news. They deny any relation to Sans' falling. Lair....He could also hear the ghost snort everytime. He knew it was HAD to be Chara. Chara was the reason Papyrus did not have Sans' dust or even him alive. This was worse than genocide from the smaller human. Resets would not bring his brother back. He was on edge as was Chara. Infact every monster was on edge. Sans was missing. Some monsters actually pieced together that the human was doing something. Many tried to kill the human Chara but Temmie. TEMMIE. Temmie protected them...He protected a murderer. More evidence was brought forth everyday. If it wasn't for the queen and Temmie they would have been dead where they stand. Quite literally.
Many resets without the smaller skeleton broke Papyrus. He was not often seen outside his home. The lights all around the house were broken and bones littered the snowy ground. If Papyrus was seen outside his home it would be to go to the core. His phone died for he no longer wanted it. His lock screen mentally harming the taller smoking skeleton. He wouldn't eat or even go to Muffet's. She was worried. Everyone was.
Many nights would be spent crying and screaming. Bones being thrown everywhere in his screaming sessions. The sessions becoming more more often monsters were worried. Some dusted from the sudden attacks coming from inside, many then avoided the once cheerful home. Snow invaded the door avoiding visitors was the main reason. Even the queen was worried. She had came to visit many times hoping the skeleton would answer her callings. The windows now barred, no-one could come in or out. The worse reaction in manys' opinion. News spread fast and soon? Alphys, an angry lizard, would bang on his windows and doors. Angry poundings sounded throughout the air along with screaming from the skeletons AND the lizard. Alphys would clear the snow just to drive her axe through the door and yell,"PAPYRUS FONT OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!" Many shouts would be the response. Often the skeleton would say," NO YOU FxCKING YELLOW LIZARD!" Curses flew in the air. Insult after insult.

Thank you for reading this! I worked on this for half a day cause I'm lazyyyy. I will do random updates but will most likely post every day! Have a wonderful day ma' gremlins!!! Also this was 1058 words!!!

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