The Begining

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          One fogy and stormy night there was a litter of kittens. All were 5 baby kittens, one was orange, black, and white just like her only sister. The boys were all gray. The mom was all black, dad died a few nights before. There was one kitten that was so much trouble! One day a little girl named Bella found the kitten on her way home from school. Bella is 8 years old, and shes wanted a kitten for 5 years now. So she brought her home. She didnt know if her mother would let her keep the kitten, but she still brought her home.

          "Mom Im home" Bella yelled, "and I need to ask you something!" Her mother anwered, "What sweety?" Bella didnt know what to say and, "Can I keep her PLEASE!!!!" came out. "Keep who?" her mom asked. "This kitten. PLEASE!!! I'll take very good care of her!" Bella said. Her mother thought a long time then said, "O.k. but you have to take care of her, NOT me." "O.K." Bella said, "I'll name her Lilly!"

          A week later. "MOM!" Bella screamed. "What happpend?"her mom asked. "LILLY BIT ME. REALLY HARD!!!" Bella still screaming. "I JUST WANTED TO PET HER, THEN SHE ATTACKED ME!!!" "Come here! Lets leave Lilly alone for a while o.k." her mom said as she tryed to calm Bella down." "O.k." Bella said still crying.

          That night Lilly stayed in the grage all night and Bella slept wth her mom. "Mommy is Lilly o.k.?" Bella said. "I dont know? Get some sleep you have school in the morning." Bella's mom said. "O.k." Bella said.

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