Aries: Tarrasque The most SCARIEST monster to ever encounter in D&D
Taurus: Gelatinous Cube Once you try to eat them, they eat you first
Gemini: Beholder BEHOLD, THE BEHOLDER!!! Does anyone get it?
Cancer: Yuan Ti Ugh, just the thought of its looks........ Ugh.....
Leo: Dragon THE MOST IMPORTANT creature in the game
Virgo: Rust Monster Don't y'all try to provoke this kind monster unless y'all want to DEAD
Libra: Hag The ultimate icon of D&D
Scorpio: Lich This reminds me of the Lich in Adventure Time, hah...
Sagittarius: Owlbear Up until now, I find the owlbears CUTE actually
Capricorn: Drow Yay! I'n the most powerful and resourceful creature in here! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! just kidding tho
Aquarius: Storm Giant The UNIQUE class of giants in D&D
Pisces: Mind Flayer The most POWERFUL PSYCHIC BEAST
The COLORFUL Teen Life of the Zodiac Signs
SonstigesWhat if the Zodiac Signs have lived a normal teenage life like us teenagers do? And what if they also attend to highschool, the place where all the romance and shiz happens? And what if...... The Signs get dragged into hilarious situations that even...