•The Signs as D&D Monsters•

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Aries: Tarrasque The most SCARIEST monster to ever encounter in D&D

Taurus: Gelatinous Cube Once you try to eat them, they eat you first

Gemini: Beholder BEHOLD, THE BEHOLDER!!! Does anyone get it?

Cancer: Yuan Ti Ugh, just the thought of its looks........ Ugh.....

Leo: Dragon THE MOST IMPORTANT creature in the game

Virgo: Rust Monster Don't y'all try to provoke this kind monster unless y'all want to DEAD

Libra: Hag The ultimate icon of D&D

Scorpio: Lich This reminds me of the Lich in Adventure Time, hah...

Sagittarius: Owlbear Up until now, I find the owlbears CUTE actually

Capricorn: Drow Yay! I'n the most powerful and resourceful creature in here! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! just kidding tho

Aquarius: Storm Giant The UNIQUE class of giants in D&D

Pisces: Mind Flayer The most POWERFUL PSYCHIC BEAST

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