I think not the problem is that life is full of unexpected events that lead to the end of an imperfect and unhappy life.
The real question would be:
I believe that life leads the human being to make himself a fascera and it is happiness, but our face and sadness are an example:
I like to sing and act my dream or it would be to become a singer and actress and win Oscars or Greemi but my dream cannot come true and you will say why not?
I do not know how to sing and act and I feel bad when I see that there are people in the world who have this luck and why not but I have to resign myself to the sad reality that I am nobody and that if I did not exist I was doing me a favor and to others.
I have no friends or people who want to share something with me so it does not matter because I would be a burden and I am a horrible person and who have no friends and a just sentence for me I feel bad when I see happy people with friends and love but life is the life.
my thoughts
RandomI describe my thoughts regarding events that happen to me in life.