18- Irritaded

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"Stretch him out!" They heard Hobbs on the radio. "Hold him!"

Deck pulled back on the car along with everyone else holding Dom in place. Dom tried to wrestle with his car free and Sidney noticed that he's got more agitated looking for an escape route.

"He's gotta have about 2,000 horsepower in that thing!" Hobbs said.

"Try 3,000." Tej said back.

"Try five." Deck said as Sidney looked over at him that was looking at her. Just as he told her, she nodded.

Suddenly, Dom revs on engine backing up behind Rome as he crashed the car at Rome's when Dom gets forward again then doing the same thing doing to Rome when he swerved backwards with his car, screaming. Sidney saw Hobbs' car getting pulled back, knocking out a street light crashing into the wall behind him and makes the truck fall sideways.

Dom rushed forward, rushing into Letty's then to Tej's with Ramsey, crashing their cars together as he rushed Sidney too with Deckard.
Sidney crashing on Letty's and Deckard crashing onto Tej's.

Dom, crawled out of the car and Deck noticed him as he ran after him when Sidney reached up from the floor and was chasing after them until Sidney saw Dom, pointing his gun at Deck as Sidney had this bad feeling.

"Dom..." Sidney was about to scream but he just stared at her then looked back at Deck, shooting him directly as her breath stopped. It's like everything stopped at a second. She was shocked at Deckard's lifeless body but Hobbs came beside her, pulling her away.


Some minutes later, they were back at Nobody's warehouse, listening. "They're gone." Wannabe said. "And D.O.D confirmed it was a nuclear launch codes. I don't know, what it is but they're building towards something."

"Deckard." Hobbs said.

"He didn't make it." He said as Sidney shook her head.

He told his own words for their family. 'We don't turn our back on family' and it still happened. Dom happened.

Then Sidney quickly shake her head. "No." Sidney muttered. "No." Sidney said a little lauder, when everyone looked at her. Sidney walked to the papers they had all written about Dom as she pushed them down the floor. "No, it can't be."

"Sidney, calm down!" Hobbs said but she kept ignoring him.

"Sidney!" Tej voice warned.

She pushed everything away. "SIDNEY!" Wannabe shouted.

"What!?" She yelled, turning around. "Is this all because of Dom? 'Cause I don't think so." she said. "He was the first person. The first person that learned and told us respectful and wise words where we needed things to hear." She looked over at Letty. "Like?" But she didn't respond. "Oh don't tell me you don't know it, 'cause i know it too well, come on say it!" Sidney said to her.

" 'Don't turn your back on Family'." Letty finally said.

"Huh! See, you heard? And Dom hasn't changed, I know that! He works with the woman... that— that killed my parents when I was young." Everyone stared at her in shock except for Hobbs that actually knew. "I was nine, when she had my parents killed, in front of me!" Sidney stuttered by holding her tears but a tear rolled down her cheek. "Why do you guys work on this then? I know, searching for the location and these things but I hate it when some of you guys think that Dom isn't the one we loved. No." She shook her head. "This is going to change and we all know that we are a family! And I know that he's in the City out there, looking for us, 'cause he's saving our lives." Sidney said as they all finally watched her with an admitting look. "And the next level, is going to be a final." Sidney went to the hallway, making a time for her alone.

Dom is their Family. Sidney felt like she sensed everything she would know. And Dom was like a Brother for her. He saved her and she saved him all the time.

She just couldn't stand all of her friends thinking like that. She couldn't deny it.

Some minutes later, Hobbs walked up to Sidney, making a sit next her as he glanced at the quiet, down looking girl. "Can you actually tell me about that." Sidney broke the silence as he furrowed his brows.

Hobbs seemed to think as he remembered and sighed. "When I was younger, I was a very young cop so we needed to leave after Brazil, hearing that Cipher was on her way to kill your parents, because she meant to have a deal about money and they didn't even have had all the money they had how she counted for. So she killed them right in front of... you." He said as Sidney looked down. "We were too late to show up, I'm sorry." Member scattered all over his face as he dragged his eyes down from her.

Everything was going to be fine at least.

Sidney busting out her emotions right now, chasing after the killer. Like girl she's been doing this for YEARS!

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