December, 1974

128 3 0

Matt had lost count of how many times he'd been caught staring at Emily. He couldn't care less though, Emily was utterly oblivious, and she was too busy staring at James anyway.

He didn't know how it'd happened, maybe it was there since day one, maybe the feeling had started as something else, but all his thoughts were about one Emily Sultens. And okay, maybe a Fourteen-year-old has no idea of what love is, especially one that's been living with a hearthless father, but he knew this was special, she was especial. 

That girl and her big brown eyes, and soft hair that almost looked pitch-black under the moonlight. She was a daydream. Matthew couldn't understand how any of the others were crazy about her, she was driving him mad. In a good way, but it was just as frustrating. 

Remus nudged his arm, a playful grin on his face.

"Honestly Matt, you're embarrassing."

Matthew huffed, lowering his eyes to his parchment. 

"Peter embarrasses all of us on the daily, and no one bats an eye."

"She needs to get a grip on herself too," Remus rolled his eyes. "She's lucky James is too thick to notice."

Matthew lifted his gaze tentatively. Emily was across the room with James and Sirius, the three of them were being obnoxious and loud, the girls were throwing envious looks at her, but she wasn't paying attention. She was focused on James. They were forced to stay in the common room since it was snowing heavily outside, but Matthew was definitely not complaining.

He'd been planning on confessing his feelings for almost two years now, but he was yet to find the right moment to do so. Last Valentine's day (her birthday, mind you) Emily had been fussing about asking James out only to decide against it after witnessing a failed attempt of his to ask Lily Evans. What had Matthew done then? He stayed to keep her company, he'd made her laugh. 

"You're hopeless, mate," Remus sighed. "I'm trying to be wise here, which is not coming easily. You're the sensible one. Emily has been crushing on James since our first year. He's been crushing on Evans for years as well. Lily hates James. James likes Emily. And even though he likes her as a friend, it's more likely that James will end up dating Mily."

"You think I want to be crushing on her?" Matthew frowned. "If I could I would vanish my feelings at once. I hate them. I don't want them– It's stupid."


"Look at her!" He said grumpily, vaguely pointing her way. "She's funny and smart... and she's pretty. She's annoyingly pretty."

"She's nice," Remus shrugged. "But she's just a girl."

Matthew glanced at Remus with annoyance. Emily was not just a girl. 

Okay, maybe he was too dramatic. He was a lovesick fool refusing to accept that his crush was common. Remus and Sirius were always teasing him about it, saying that he couldn't hold on to it forever, telling him it would ruin the group. 

Besides, he had to admit that if he wanted, he could go and get a date with someone else in no time. The thing was that he didn't want someone else. He wanted Emily Sultens.

"Boys!" The girl sat down in front of them, bringing him back. "We're planning to sneak out and buy a few butterbeers, an early Christmas party if you will, want to join?"

"If my dad sees me, he'll tell my uncle," Matthew sighed. "It's embarrassing when my own father rats me out..."

"C'mon, we'll stay away from the Hog's Head!" Emily pleaded. "It's not as fun without you!"

"I'm in," Remus pushed his parchment away. "I'm done with Transfiguration."

"Only if James lets me use his cloak. At least while we're in the street... And if you let me buy you a butterbeer."

Remus snorted, but he quickly covered it with a cough.

"Don't be silly, Matt," the girl rolled her eyes, "you should use your money for more useful things– like getting a new quill, yours is falling to pieces."

Matthew blushed, examining his beaten school supplies.

"S'not that bad..." He muttered shyly.

"I'm not judging," Emily reached out to pat his hand. "I'm just saying that you don't have to act like a gentleman with me. We're friends, you don't have to keep the act going."

"Yeah, Matt, stop pretending," Remus teased.

Matthew kicked him under the table.

"All right," He scowled. 

"Brilliant!" Emily turned, the tips of her hair landing softly on her lower back as she ran back to James and Sirius. 

"Buy her a butterbeer?" Remus stared at him with a smirk. "You have no bloody money."

"I know that." 

"You won't get to her by buying her things."

"No, apparently all it takes is a messy hair and glasses," He scoffed. 

"You forgot the part about being a show-off," His friend added. 

"I'm not jealous," He blurted out. "I know I sound like I'm angry. But I'm not."

Remus laughed.

"Sure thing, mate..."

"One day..." He sighed. "You'll see."

He didn't know what he meant by that, or perhaps he meant a lot of things. One day he would confess everything to her, one day she'd see him as more than just a friend. 

He was okay with just being friends now though, they had time.


I had time to make two specials. They add absolutely nothing to the story but I thought it'd be sweet to show teen Matthew's opinion on his future wife, considering you all know very little about him. Next one is centred on Remus and his life as Mel's only uncle. I hope you find them cute :)

Happy Holidays! <3


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