meeting kita

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Phil's P.O.V

As I strolled through London like it was just an ordanary day I come across a gorgeous girl with long dirty blond hair and dark but stunning blue eyes with white shorts and a purple crop top Like the same color top I was wearing.

So I decided to ask her out hopefully I don't sound desperate.

"Hi my name is Phil, nice to meet you"

"Hi, nice to meet you too. Its kita"

"So kita. Would you like to go out for coffee some time?"

"Sure pick me up at hostford drive at 7:30"

After kita I knew it was going to go well so I just smiled and continued walking.

As soon as I got back to my apartment I yelled "DAN GUESS WHO IS GOING OUT FOR COFFEE TOMORROW!"

"You are I'm ashuming" "yep. She's beautiful"

"Nice maybe Maddie will get along with her too."

So with that said I just ran to pick my out fit for tomorrow night knowing I won't have enough time tomorrow because I know I will sleep in way to much.

As I chose an outfit I ask Dan on my opinion. "It looks good. They are my jeans by the way. "

"They were your jeans. You gave them to me three weeks ago"

"Right. "

I just shook my head like what ever Dan people aren't interested in what you have to say about the jeans YOU gave me.

Right as I finmished complaining about my best friend I went to bed.

                   ...The next morning...

I jumped out of bed had a shower, washed my hair put on my out fit and headed down to pick kita up

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