Family of Witches (3)

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"It's full moon this weekend." Ariel announced, reminding us all of what we had to do.

I forgot about the full moon. Every night when it was a full moon we did a ritual for our bloodline. It keeps the blood of the witches strong so that our race doesn't die. Our family is close to water and air, so we do rituals with those elements. Every witch family was close with a certain element whether it earth, air, fire or water. We needed to do these rituals to top up on our magick energy, without it we died. 

I just sighed and didn’t say anything, it's not like I had a choice. We arrived home and we all entered the house. Mum's head appeared out of one of the doorways and she smiled.

"How was school?" She asked.

"Delaney was a damsel in distress and her prince charming came and saved her," Cassie sighed dreamily.

I rolled my eyes but mum seemed interested, "Really? What happened?" She asked.

"This guy was harassing her than Adrian came and beat him up," Ariel chirped.

I sighed annoyed, "Can you just shut up about that? I thanked him, we talked about and it’s over now. It's not like he asked me out on a date or anything," I snapped.

Everyone quieted down and I turned to go to my room and slammed the door. I paused and huffed. I ran my hands through my hair and let out a groan. I was still on edge from hypnotising that guy. Dammit, I growled mentally.

I walked over to my bed and lit some candles to help me relax. I grabbed my spell book and sat on the bed. I casually flicked through glancing at the spells. I shut the book and shoved it forward. Magick was not going to help me. It's not like I can forget Adrian, as much as I want to, I can't. 

That reminded me, I needed to go to the library and see if my paranoia was necessary or not. I got up and made my way from my room to the library that was orginally a master bedroom. It was the largest room in the house so before we moved in we had it renovated and got it made bigger so that it could fit all our books.

I started on a basic book that had a rough summary of magical creatures and I started to read. I heard mum call out for dinner but I wasn't hungry so I missed it. I continued ready and by the time I was finished I was beyond fustrated.

Was I really just working myself over just a simple change of colour? I mean his eyes were dark enough, it could've been the light. The more I thought about it the more I became fustrated and annoyed.

I decided that I needed to take a nice relaxing bath. I went back to my room and I took one of the candles from beside my bed and blew the rest out. I walked into the bathroom and took out some candles from the candle drawer. I placed them around the tub and lit them with the candle I brought in with me. 

We had a lot of candles in this house. Candles were good for doing magick with because you could easily draw energy from the flame even if fire wasn't your natural element.

I then ran a bubble bath, when it finished I undressed myself then slowly eased into the hot bath. I sighed happily. I let my muscles and mind relax after the long day. I let my mind wonder and soon enough, my mind was on Adrian again. His voice sent shivers down my spine, his touch spread addictive tingles over my body, and his looks made me feel like a school girl fawning over a celebrity. Of course over the day I completely ignored to how he made me feel, I would be too focused on not letting any skin make contact with mine but now it was all catching up to me.

When the bath started to go cold I stood up and stepped out of the bathtub, wrapping a towel around my body. I put on my pyjama shorts and a tank top before exiting the bathroom. Ebony was lounging on her bed, reading. I let my hair out of the bun I had put it in and started brushing it.

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