origins reverse Stoneheart

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In this universe everything will be opposite except for the miraculous lifeswap AU as in Adrien Dupain-Cheng and Marinette Agreste wanted to try that for a while, reverse crush AU same Kwami's
BTW read my other story Reverse Guardian 😃

Nooroo landed infront of a book and started narrating as pictures of the book flipped to form pics of ex heroes
"Many centuries ago magic jewels bestowing immense power were born these were the Miraculous, throughout history heroes used these jewels for the good of the human race,two of these Miraculous are more powerful then the others the earrings of the Ladybug, and the ring of the Black Cat when used together they could create an ultimate power"
A man's voice interrupted him the man held a locket with the woman's face in it "I want that ultimate power Nooroo I need those Miraculous"
Nooroo said innocently
" But no one knows where these Miraculous are..."
We see a silhouette of a man he held the brooch of a butterfly
"I found u though my Nooroo tell me it's power again"
Nooroo explained
"the moth brooch allows it's weilder power of transmission to give a person their own superpowers"
The man said " and what better way to draw superheroes out then to create supervillains...."
Nooroo protested "but Master the Miraculous are not meant to be used for evil purposes"
His "Master" interrupted him "your Miraculous is in my hands I am your master now"
Nooroo sighed
" Yes Master"
He put on the brooch and said to Nooroo
"Nooroo dark wings rise"
Nooroo got sucked in his brooch and a cloud of butterflies surrounded him and he let go the butterflies flew up now he was dressed in a purple suit head to toe
"From this day on I shall be known as Hawkmoth hahaha"
At master Fu's massage shop Wayzz was sleeping in his tiny bed when he suddenly woke up and flew to Master Fu who was giving a massage to a man
"Master, master"
The man who was being massaged lifted his head up Wayzz hid
Master Fu said smartly "nothing it was just my phone and see u tomorrow come back later"
He pushed the man to his feet and out the door
Wayzz flew infront of him "master the moth Miraculous I felt it's aura"
Master Fu rubbed his chin " I thought it was lost forever"
"Master it's a negative aura I fear it might've gone in the hands of a dark power"
Master Fu lifted his sleeve underneath was the turtle bracelet
"Time to transform Wayzz shell o- owww"
He rubbed his back
Wayzz protested " Master let's face it you're too old for this"
" I'm only a 187 still young but you're right Wayzz we can no longer do this alone we'll need some help"
He opened the Miracle box which showed a lot of Miraculous
At Adrien's home
He was asleep on his bed when his mom Sabine called from downstairs "Adrien your alarms been ringing for 15 minutes you're gonna be late for your first day back at school"
Adrien yawned in his bed uninterested
" Coming mom"
Adrien walked downstairs sluggishly to the counter and sat on a stool
"I bet u anything Cole will be in my class again"

(A/N I thought I should change Chloe to Cole because Adrien will be crushing on Mari it would make no sense for Chloe to hang on a girl I hate gay stuff)

Sabine responded with a smile "4 years in a row?"
Adrien replied with a roll of his eyes as he poured chocolate in a bowl
"Yeah lucky me....."
Sabine said reassuringly"don't say that I'm sure tomorrow will be a brand-new year"
Adrien nodded but he knocked down a spoon which hit an apple which hit the milk carton which tipped over he groaned Sabine sighed with a smile
*Time skip Adrien walked down the stairs to the bakery where Tom Dupain handed on a box to Adrien while humming it was a box of macaroons
Adrien said with a smile "wow macaroons my class will love them thanks dad you're the best"
Tom smiled " we're the best thanks to your awesome designs"
He opened a book which showed a design of Tom and Sabine bakery logo
Adrien smiled and hugged his dad and then ran out calling
"Thanks your the best parents ever"
He ran across the street and was about to cross the street when he saw an old man crossing the street and saw a car coming acting on instinct he quickly rashed out and pulled the man aka Master Fu to safety
They both tumbled and then Adrien lifted Master up
"Are u ok sir?"
Master replied with a nod " thank u young man"
Adrien saw his macaroons destroyed and quickly picked up the rest of the remaining ones
"Oh no they're ruined" master Fu said
Adrien replied with a shrug " no there's still some left here sir"
He gave one to Master Fu who took a bite and smiled ih satisfaction
Adrien heard the bell and ran across the street calling back "I'm gonna be late have a great day sir"
Master Fu stared after him "he's the one"
He walked off
Meanwhile Adrien ran in the school up the stairs into class when he saw the teacher writing on the board she smiled and said to a boy wearing sunglasses
"Nino why don't u sit in the front"
Nino stood up and sat at the front row to the right with a groan
Adrien walked up two benches and sat in the second row to the left when suddenly a hand knocked down on the desk it was Cole bourgeois
"Adrien Dupain-Cheng this is my seat"
Adrien rolled his eyes and mumbled
"not again....." He then said out loud to Cole "but Cole this has always been my seat"
Sam Cole's best friend backed Cole up
" Uh uh new school,new seats"
Cole pointed to where Nino was sitting Nino looked behind and grunted when he saw Cole
"Why don't u go and sit next to that new boy this year Marinette's coming today since that is going to be her seat" he pointed to the front row infront of them " this is gonna be my seat"
Adrien asked confused "who's Marinette?"
Cole mocked laughing
"Hahaha can u believe he doesn't know who Marinette is"
Sam explained " she's only a famous model"
Cole then said "and I'm her best friend so move"
Nino walked up in-between them "hey who elected u queen of seats?"
"Ooh look Sam we've got a little dogooder in our class today what're u gonna do super noob shoot beams at me with your laser eyes"
Nino said huffing "wouldn't u like to know"
He pulled Adrien to his feet and pulled him down to the front row to the right where they both sat now
Miss bustier the teacher called for everyone's attention "has everyone found a seat?"
Nino said to Adrien "chillax dude no biggie"
Adrien said to Nino" I so wish I could handle Cole the way u did"
Nino held up his phone which showed a photo of Majestia "I like I said no biggie u just need some confidence"
Adrien took out a macaroon from his backpack and handed it to Nino"Adrien"
Nino accepted it"Nino"
The teacher continued "for those of u who don't know me I'm Miss Bustier I'll be you're teacher this year"
Cole and Sam were now sitting in the second row where Adrien used to be sitting Cole said huffing
"She should've been here by now"
Meanwhile outside of Francois dupont high school a girl with dark hair ran down the street and tried to go up the stairs into the school when suddenly a limo stopped infront of this school and Natalie and the gorilla got out
"Marinette please reconsider you know what your father wants"
Marinette had a pack on one shoulder
" But this is what I wanna do..."
She turned and saw an old man tripped and fell it Master Fu he was reaching for his cane she ran towards him and helped him up to his feet he stared at her gratefully
"Thank u young lady"
Marinette smiled but turned around and saw Natalie and the gorilla waiting for her she sighed and walked up to them
"I just wanna go to school like everybody else what's so wrong about that?"
She walked in the limo with her accomplices and the limo drove off Master Fu stared forward smiling
*Time skip I'm tired ok😩 I'm not a morning person
Ivan got into trouble Hawkmoth sent an akuma blah blah blah

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