Standing at the helm of the ship Coccinelle, Adrien Dantes stood tall as he looked for any signs of land. The cool morning wind whipping in his golden hair could not deter him from reaching his home port. His green eyes scanned every sign as he suddenly saw gulls in the distance. They grew wide as he suddenly could see what looked to be a harbor coming into view and he felt excitement overwhelm him. He turned to a sailor passing by to take the helm as he ran to the bow of the ship to try and get a better look. Grinning from ear to ear, the young lad looked through a looking glass and became certain that they finally made it.
After being out at sea for nearly seven months on a delivery for his company, Adrien was overwhelmed with the idea of being on land again. Even better, he imagined what it was going to be like to have his lady, Marinette, in his arms once again. How he longed held her in his arms and talked about their plans of marrying one day.
“Stop daydreaming, you lovesick pup,” scowled a man with a low tone, bringing Adrien back from his fantasy.
Adrien looked back to see Gabriel, ship's financier, giving him a disapproving look. “You should be focusing on getting us into the harbor, not daydreaming like a child.”
“I am just focusing on what matters to me, Gabriel,” Adrien said as he backed away from the bow but nods. “But I guess I did get carried away. So much I have to think about when we get back to land.” He said as he smiled innocently, but there is something else on his mind as well when he reached into his pocket and gripped something in it.
Gabriel noticed this action but does not say anything. "Are you going to tell him about what happened to the captain?"
"But of course," Adrien said. "It is my job as the temporary captain that I have to report to the shipowner and tell him about the captain passing on."
"And about what he 'asked' you to do and why it made us late for our return?" Gabriel makes a verbal jab at Adrien, seeing if he could get Adrien to stumble upon himself about what happened on the island of Elba. He knew that Adrien had the ship anchored off its coast, so he could take a raft and talk to someone there, but he dare not mention that man's name.
"Don't worry about it, Gabriel," Adrien said as he gripped the thing in his pocket tighter but still was pleasant toward him. "I fully intend to tell Monsieur Damocles everything that happened."
Gabriel grew more annoyed as he scowled again and turned away. “Very well then, I suggest you then help us get the ship ready to dock and be anchored,” He said as he went about to helping the other sailors get ready to get in.
Adrien gets to work as well as he helps around on deck to pull their ship into port with ease. The crowd of people looking on were excited and at awe as it sailed in. Once docked, the crew begins unloading the cargo for their boss, Monsieur Damocles, who was waiting for both Adrien and Gabriel to make their way down to see him.
Monsieur Damocles smiles as he takes both men by the hand and shakes them. “Oh, a blessed day that you made it back safely to port. I was beginning to worry that something dreadful happened.”
Gabriel and Adrien both paused as they look at Monsieur Damocles with concern. Then, Adrien sighs as he put his other hand on him. “Monsieur Damocles, while we made it back with your cargo, it was not a pleasant trip as we did lose the captain.”
Monsieur Damocles looks to Adrien with sad eyes as he the nods and looks distraught and nodded. “I-I see… Well how about we discuss this more in my office?”
Adrien nods as he let Monsieur Damocles lead the way and Gabriel passes him with a smirk.
“You’ll get what is coming to you soon, boy,” he whispered as he passed Adrien. Adrien looked to him as he was annoyed but still respected Gabriel since he was older than himself. Still, he followed him to Monsieur Damocles office to tell them all what happened.
Miraculous Count Of Monte Cristo AU
General FictionMiraculous Count Of Monte Cristo AU