....Sinns Tag? (Dunz know what that is...) ...you...leco...you...

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Why Leco...Leco...you..youyouyouyou
Why...Leco I trusted you...ahhhh
Mmm...well here it goes.
1. Favourite Book?
Blood Red Road. Slated. The Maze Runner (series).
2. Favourite Movie?
Uhh...well...uhhhhhh... The Spongebob movie (old one) xD
3. Favourite person from movie?
Patrick Star. Fuck yesh.
4. Top 5 OTPs?
4) Ssundee (SetoxSsundee)
5) LushLaws (Actually real <3 ^-^)
5. Top 5 NoTPs?
1) Cryenne (don't mind my spelling shiz..)
2) KenxMary
3) Any Youtuberxreader (hate those ships)
4) KatnissxGale (fuck Gale.)
5) random characterxJeff the killer. (Come on...it has to and alway will be Ben DrownedxJeff the killer.)
6. Why OTP 1?
Well...it was my 2nd ship I ever read plus best story's I found made on internet were PewDieCry. My older bro introduced me to Pewdiepie but PewDieCry introduced me to Cryaotic. So thank god for that. Also dey sah cuteeee!
7. Why not NoPT 3?
Cause those story's where you ship the reader and the person you are in love with are cheezy as FUCK!! I fucking hate those things. Those are made so you can feel like "oh I have a boyfriend" when in reality you are "dating" someone in a fucking book.
8. Idols?
I don't understand...dunno why but idols are people you look up to yeah..? Correct me if I'm wrong but I look up to
My older bro
Lecoffins (still mad at her tho.)
And no one else because no one else has stayed around long enough to prove to me that they will stick with me no matter what.
9. Fandoms?
Bro Army
Sky Army
Crys army (forget his name of Fandoms thingy)
Thomas Sanders (clearly, he is amazing.)
10. Favourite Ice cream flavour?
Vanilla, Maple Walnut, cookie dough.
11. Allergies?
Hand sanitizer gives me a horrible rash and makes me itchy but...I don't think that's an allergies so...none.
12. Ever been to a nerdy con?
No. If I asked my mom would ask why and I would have to explain then I would get in trouble so...plus I don't have my passport and they never come to Canada... ._.
13. Bad habits?
Swearing, being offensive while trying to make a joke, accidentally hurting someone when they scare me (automatic reaction is to punch),.
14. Do you cry a lot?
I only now have 2 reasons that make me cry. So I do cry but only for 2 reasons and when I'm alone so no one can hear me which is quiet unusual so...barely ever.
15. Are books better than movies?
Depends. Books have more description, but with movies you can actually see it for those with weak imaginations. But they do miss a lot of detail...still really depends tho..
16. Something you never got into?
I'm gonna try to understand.
Being normal. Liking dramas on tv. (Ex: Pretty Little Liars.) Liking anime...(sorry). Wearing makeup. Sports xD.
17. Who do you tag?
(:<~ Lez do this.
I don't know that many people here...fuck...well actually I know more just LECO TAGGED THEM ALREADY! Dammit Leco..
Ya know what?
Fuck it.
Wait maybe it was that many peop..SHUDDUP.
Anyways here ya go. Bye bye.
Lecoffins still mad bro. Still mad. You.

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