Chapter 1

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Note: This story is only gonna be Ross's POV/

Ross's POV/

Ugh, I hate how we have to move all the time. My parents keep moving all around the world since it's for their job. It sucks but it's nice to travel. I love to travel and hope that I can travel all around the world. I'm thinking to do that when I graduate high school or when I finish college. Right now we're in Miami and I'm packing my backpack for school.

Stormie:(walks in his room) Hi honey

Ross:(Smiles little) Hey mom

Stormie: You excited for school tomorrow? (Smiles)

Ross:(fake smiles) Yup, nothing better than to be the new kid all over again in so many countries (sighs)

Stormie: Look, I know it's tough for you but you did so well in the other schools

Ross: Really? In Africa they made fun of me for being white

Stormie: They just haven't met you yet!

Ross: Seriously mom (talks as he unpacks) I don't even have a real friend

Stormie: You have your father and I

Ross:(looks at her)

Stormie: Okay maybe that just made things worst

Ross:(nods) Yup

Stormie: Well you're going to like this place and don't worry, there's some people who have the same skin colour as you

Ross:(Smiles) Thanks mom

Stormie:(kisses his cheek) After this I want you to get to bed stat, you got a big day ahead of you

Ross:(nods) Okay mom

Stormie:(Smiles) I love you

Ross: Love you too (kisses her cheek)

Stormie:(Smiles and walks out)

What? Never seen a 17 year old boy kiss his mama's cheek before? Not my fault I love her so much. Ugh, I better finish this quick, kind of getting tired and don't really want to have bags under my eyes on the first day. I quickly finish and get to ready for bed crawling under the covers and lights are out for me.

. . .


Oh crap! Don't want to be late on the first day!

. . .

Ross:(runs down with his backpack on his back) Bye mom (kisses her cheek)

Stormie:(Smiles) Bye sweetie

Mark:(walks down) Not gonna say bye to your old man?

Ross:(Chuckles and does a hand shake with Mark) Later dad (about to walk out)

Stormie: Ross!

Ross: Yeah?

Stormie:(throws an apple at him)

Ross:(catches it and smiles) Thanks mom

I grab my skate board and skate to my new school. I got the directions on this peice of paper my dad wrote for me. Ugh, I should've just got my parents to take me there instead of looking at this confusing map. There's smudges and scribbles and-- Ah!

Ross:(hits into a lamp post) (groans) That's gonna hurt in the morning (groans and slowly gets up grabbing his board)

Soon I heard the sounds of skateboards getting closer. I look up and see two guys stopping right in front of me.

???: You okay man?

???: That looked painful

Ross: Eh, I'll live (Smiles) I'm Ross Lynch

???:(Smiles) Nice to meet you blonde. I'm Chad Royal the brunette then the red head is my good ole buddy Chris Patterson

Chris:(waves) Hey

Chad: Are you knew or something bc I've never seen you before

Ross: Uh yeah, I just moved here like last night

Chris: Oh really? From where?

Ross: From London actually

Chad: So you're British?

Ross:(chuckles) No, you see my parents job involves them to move around the world a lot so I have no choice but to go with them so yeah, I'm really from Littleton Colorado

Chris: Oh I've been there, nice place

Ross:(Smiles) I know right?

Chad: Well we got to get to school but can we get your number so we can hang?

Ross: Uh sure

I tell them my number and they tell me theirs.

Ross: Well I got to get to school before I'm late on my first day

Chad: What school do you go to?

Ross:(reads the paper) Marino high

Chad & Chris: No way!

Ross: What? (Confused)

Chris: We go to that school!

Ross:(Smiles) Cool! I'll get to know someone and not seem like a total newbie to the town

Chad: You still are though

Ross: Whatever

Chad: Well let us lead the way

We got on our skate boards and rode to school. So cool that Chad and Chris are going to the same school as me. It's awesome!

. . .

We walked in the school and I was looking around. This place is sick!

Ross: Woah! (Smiles) This is way better than London's high school!

Chad: Well the school may look nice but half of the people who get their education here aren't

Chris: Here, we'll show you the board office

I followed Chad and Chris again just looking around the school. It was so cool! There was even a tree in this place! Grass! Oh my god this place is so cool! We walked past I'm guessing the gym. I took a quick peek through the window and see the gym was as big as a football field! My god!

Chad:(Chuckles) Ross, stop being so distracted, you're gonna make us late

Ross:(looks at him) Right sorry

We finally get to the board office. It was pretty big than most board offices.

Chad: Ms. Terry, we have the new kid here

Ms. Terry:(looks through the computer) (smiles) You must be Ross Lynch (smiles at him)

Ross:(smiles nodding) Yup, that's me

Ms. Terry: Well here you go sweetie

She hands me my class schedule and my locker number and my text books.

Ross: Thanks Ms. Terry

Ms. Terry: No problem cherry pie

Me and the guys walk out.

Ross: Does she always give people nicknames like that?

Chad: Well when you're new yeah but when you're like me and Chris and have been in this school for 3 years then yeah, she'll lose her politeness to you


We walk to my first class, English.

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