Chapter 1: Bubble Tea Shop

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Kim Soyeon as Kim Riley Jeon


Kim's P.O.V.

Coming home from school on a friday is heaven, I admit. But not before buying a chocolate flavored bubble tea! Ehehe. I'm currently on my way to my favorite place to go after classes.

Get it?



Oh, okay. It's just bubble tea shop by the way.

Anyways, I'm with my best friend Nichole which is also with her boyfriend, Suho.

They've been in a relationship for almost 2 years and yup, I'm the third wheel. I don't mind, they know when to act all lovey dovey and stuff.

As we walk towards the shop Nichole and I talked about graduation. I know, a little early because school just started like a month ago... eh.

"So... graduation, huh? So near..." she said.


She's right, I think..?

"I know. I still don't even know what I would do after college." I answered.

"Aww. I'm still thinking of after taking fashion designing I'd take architecture or medicine..."


Architecture then medicine..?

"Wait, isn't tha—" I said before she butted in and didn't let me finish. "Hush child! I know that it's very far from eachother. But who cares—" she said and guess what?

I didn't let her finish too.

"I care!" I cut her off mid-sentence.

She looked at me with her famous prepare-to-die look.

I'm doomed.

"Ehehe. Mianhae. You know that arts and design is my priorty." I said.

"Hmm? Good choice tho. Well maybe— Omo!"

"Bwo? Waeyo?" I asked, getting a little nervous.

Dugdug. Dugdug.

My heart rate began to beat fast. Okay, maybe a little.. too fast?

"U-uh.. don't look back. I'm telling you. Don't." she said, well more like commanded.

I saw her shocked expression. It looked like she's seen a ghost or something. She looked at me with worried eyes and a stiff figure. I looked at her with a curious face, she just shook her head rapidly.

What's happening?

"Uh.. wha—" I said while turning around following her nervous gaze and of course not finishing my sentence.

"No! Do—" she said.

Too late, my heart just broke into millions of pieces.

I saw Baek with Taeyeon unnie, again.

As you can see, based on my reaction. I admire the one and only Byun Baekhyun; the famous ulzzang of Korea National University of Arts. He's one of Suho's friends. Did I mention that Suho is also an ulzzang in our school? Gosh. How I wish their love story would also happen to me.

But, sadly only a few people get that chance.

"Oh, well t-that hurts. Shoot. Why did I even look back! Putangina. (Mother fucker)" I said. Well, more like cussed before Nichole hit the back of my head making me hiss in pain.


"Yah! Don't cuss!"

"Eh? She cussed?! What did she say? Tell me, jebal!'' Suho said.

"You see I sai—"

"Shush. Don't teach him how to cuss in another language!" Nichole said.

Party pooper.

''Ehehe. Mianhae.'' I said.

"Nothing, she said nothing." she said while glaring at me.

Now I'm guilty. I'm such a bad influence.

Anyways, I just saw Baekhyun with unnie here in the bubble tea shop. My bubble tea shop! They shouldn't "date" here. Even though I don't own it. Meh. I'm still here and it hurts.

Wait, what?

"Oh! Suho hyung, you're here! Annyeonghaseyo!" Baekhyun said. Apparently he saw Suho and approached us. Ugh.


"Annyeong! Just came here with Nichole and her friend to buy bubble tea. Well, you know Nichole so, say 'hi' Kim!" Suho said and actually made me say fucking 'hi' to the guy. My instincts are telling me that this is not going to be good.

You are so dead, Jun Myeon. Dead as fuck.

I looked at Baekhyun, he looked back at me. Shit.

I immediately looked away. Why does bad luck like to fuck my life up?

Abort mission, abort mission. 

Crush caught you looking at him.


Well, here goes nothing.

"Oh.. uh.. A-annyeonghaseyo, Jeon Kim-imnida!" I introduced myself then looked at Suho giving him the 'You better run Suho, you're dead meat' stare.

Then he gave the 'You're gonna thank me later' look.

Ugh. Why does he have to always right?

Baekhyun smiled at me and waved. I smiled back but inside I'm having a mental break down because of his perfectness. Wait, is that even a word?


Too cute.

Might.. faint..

"Ah! You're Jungkook's noona! I've heard a lot about you from him! Haha. It's very nice to finally meet you! Byun Baekhyun-imnida!" He informed and offered his hand.

OMO. Damn, shit. Wae wae wae?

"Oh.. jinjja? Ehehe. He's so talkative. Sorry about him. It's also very nice to meet you." I answered, without stuttering!


Then everything around us started to slow down.

This moment.

Looking in each other's eyes while smiling.

My hand slowly reaching for his..

As I shook his hand, I realized something..

I was falling deeper.

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A/N: Annyeong! Nichole here! Kekeke~! First fanfic.. well second actually. DCT is my first one which is a collab with my chingus~! Anyways, first chapter for Deeper! Woohoo! Yehet~! I've been planning this for a really long time but I was too busy lately. :( Good thing I finally had the chance to finish this chap. Kekeke~ I hope you will support this fanfic. Haha. I'll update chapter 2 by monday.. I guess? Hehe. Anyways, sorry if this is short. Chapter 2 will be longer. 'Til the next update! Read, Comment, Like, Share and Fan! EXO SARANGHAJA~!

-L x

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