I woke up. Not in my room, but it seemed familiar. "Where am I?" I said to myself. I heard someone yell in the distance "Hey! Is anyone there? I heard you!" Maybe I didn't realize how loud I said it. I started hearing footsteps coming closer, and closer. I tried to get up but I couldn't. I felt paralyzed. I couldn't even sleep. I heard footsteps coming from a cave. I couldn't move my head, but it looked like I was In a desert. I was sat next to a rock. All I could see was the entrance to the cave. I saw someone come out with a lit lantern in hand. They asked "Are you ok?" I tried to respond, but I just lost control. I got a strange feeling from the man. He had a white shirt and black pants. The shirt had stains. I could barely make out the colour of the stains, but they looked red. As if he had tried to paint over it and it failed. He walked towards me, then tried to pick me up. I was able to yell "STOP!". As he did. He put me down and had the look of anger in his eyes. I saw a blood stained knife in his pocket. He slowly started to pull it out as I managed to run. I ran far enough to make me think I lost him, but I kept running until I couldn't. I tremble to the ground. I saw other people in the distance. A village. I crawled towards it. I got tired and couldn't move my arms anymore. I was close enough to the village people were destined to find me. Someone grabbed my arm and dragged me there. My face scraping against the sand and concrete. My face was all scratched bruised and cut, along with my body. I passed out from the pain. When I woke up I was in my bedroom. 'But how?' I thought, yet I got no answer. I walked out my room, only to see everyone was asleep. 'Was it all a dream?' I needed answers for my questions. It was 5 AM. I went back to sleep, then I woke up once again. I looked at my phone and it was 10 AM. People have to be awake. Sure enough, Everyone was. They had no reaction to me walking in. I sat down and tried to eat, but I couldn't grab the fork. It looked as if my hand were going through the fork. 'am I dead?' I didn't feel dead, but I knew something was wrong. I went back to my room, and went to sleep again. I woke up again, but not in my room. I woke up in a house, that looked like one of the houses in the village. I got up from the bed and I saw a mirror. I looked in it. My face was bandaged. I felt the pain again. 'Am I switching through dimensions?' I blacked out in the house trying to get to the door. I woke up in my bed again. I walked out my room to see my mom laying on the couch. "Hello son!" My mom said to me, 'Can she see me?' I was glad someone could see me. I went to sleep for the night. I had no dream I just woke up. I was questioning reality. What was real and what wasn't? I'll find out sooner or later.