You Mean Everything To Me

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To further the experience of reading this fic, I suggest listening to "Sweater Weather" by the Neighbourhood. For some reason this song makes me think of Snupin. It also adds to the atmosphere of the fic in my opinion.

As always, thank you to my beta, Hucklebarry, on FFN and AO3!


"And that concludes our meeting for tonight," said Dumbledore, and people started getting up from their chairs and filing out of the dining room. Others lingered a bit to congregate with one another.

Remus, pointedly avoiding Tonks's hopeful gaze, stood up from his chair as well. He quickly followed the people who had gotten up through the threshold, bidding Sirius goodnight with a brotherly hug. Then, Remus climbed up the stairs to his guest bedroom and shut the door behind him, lighting up the fireplace with a wave of his wand and a nonverbal Incendio. As he was about to button up his nightshirt, he heard a knock on the door. He could not help but smile.

"Come in," said Remus excitedly, knowing full well who it would be.

As soon as he heard footsteps enter the bedroom, his hands found a thin face. His visitor's hands found Remus's neck. Not able to wait any longer, they started devouring each other hungrily, severely touch-starved from the long period they spent apart. They proceeded to re-familiarize themselves with the feel of their tongues and their bodies. Hot kisses were planted on necks, lobes were bitten, and love bites were exchanged. They touched everywhere, trying to get a feel for what it was like to be pressed against the other again. In reality, they had not been separated for long, but in their minds, they had been divided by rivers, jungles, and entire oceans.

When they finally pulled away after what seemed like hours, Remus looked up into the dark tunnels of Severus Snape with desire. He noticed that Severus was doing the same.



"God, I was so worried," breathed the werewolf earnestly, grabbing his lover's shoulders and pulling him into a tight embrace. He did not care when he started crying tears of relief, crying harder as he felt Severus's long fingers slide into his hair. He completely broke down as Severus's other hand started rubbing circles on his back.

"Remus, I'm here. There is nothing you need to worry about," assured Severus.

"The Dark Lord hasn't found me out yet," added the spy gently with a light laugh.

Remus, on the other hand, could not stand to hear a flippant remark about Severus's life at the moment, even if it came from Severus himself.

"Shut up, just shut up!" said Remus harshly in an attempt to assuage his own fear. "Do you know how frantic I was when Dumbledore told me you'd be gone for three fucking weeks?"


"This war," continued Remus, not noticing that Severus had tried to cut in. "This war is tearing everyone apart! Many of my nights were sleepless knowing that I wouldn't be feeling your warmth beside me, your arms around my body, your skin against mine—"

"Remus—" Severus tried again, but Remus would not let him continue.

"Listen to me!" exclaimed Remus, freeing himself from the hug he had just initiated. "Just—just listen," he repeated, audibly deflating.

After taking a few deep breaths, Remus focused his gaze on his lover's onyx orbs.

"Why do you risk your life? What is there for you? Why must you constantly risk your life for people who don't even like you? I can't stand it when Sirius constantly rants about how you're just setting us all up and that we'd regret having you on our side one day, and I can't stand it when Mad-Eye looks at you in a funny way, watching your every damn move. Why can't you just stop? Stop spying, stop putting yourself in danger, and stop chipping away at the purity of your soul!"

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