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I woke up and felt someones arm around my and my face pressed up to someones cheast. I looked up and saw Zayn sleeping i tried to escape from his arms cause i really need to pee but he would just hug me tighter if thats possible. I decided to poke him.

Ten pokes later ( spongebob voice)

why doesn't he wake up ?! i'm gonna wet my pants.


" Huh what? why did you wake me up.... AT 4.30 IN THE MORNING?!

" I need to pee.."

" Then go?"

" I can't your grip on me is to tight"

" Oh sorry" he let me go and i litterly ran to the bathroom

when i were done with my buissnes i walked back to the bed when i saw my phone laying on my spot.

"where did you get my phone?"

" I went to your house and got your cloths makeup and all that you had in there, but my friend Liam helped me, Btw why do you keep your phone in the undrewear drawer?.

" I had to hide it or my dad would take it from me and what the hell did you do in there?!"

" You have really nice taste in underwear, i would like to see you with the red lace one on"

" Shut up!" he only laughed until i punched his arm then he stoped.'

" Did you get my flat iron?"

" Ehm noo?" Omg i'm gonna die everyone is gonna se my massive afro and their gonna laugh at me thats what happend at the last school i went to and my "friends" there told me to flat iron it so now it has become an habit, my dad is half white and half black and my mom is from west africa but moved to Usa when she was in her early twenties so i'm kind of mixed i guess. I really like my "race" and all but i've never liked my hair or i used to until people told me the truth about my hair that it was ugly.


"what's the problem why can't you go without it?"

" your gonna laugh at me i have realyy curly hair like afro and your gonna be like the 100 one to laugh at it"

" Aich who cares about how your hair lookes i'm pretty sure that you natural hair looks beautiful don't hide it"

" Thanks...." i said quiet and looked up to look him in the eyes he slowly leaned in and i did to then i felt his soft lips against mine and he cupped my face in his hands and pushed me down on the bed and got on top of me only his only elbow supporting his weight so he wouldn't crush me. the kiss went from without tounges to me and him making out. we started to get really touchie before i had to stop before we went to far. I stoped kissing back and removed my lips from his and said

" Ehm.. i'm not ready to gou further"

" uhm.. yeah i understand" i looked at my phone and saw that it was already 5 in the morning i'm wide awake now so i couldn't go back to sleep so i told Zayn that i was going to take a shower. Took some cloths with me and my make up then i

I went to the bathroom and took all my cloths of i saw that he put my shower gel and all that stuff in the shower soo i started to shower i put in some of my vanilla shampoo in my hair and then some conditioner in my hair then i started to wash my body with my coconut shower gel then i rinsed out the conditioner and got all the shower gel of me i walked out. the time was about 06.00 I looked into the mirror and saw that my hair started to curl and my cheek was a little purple. I put on my cloths. A pair of boyfriend jeans and a Baseball shirt. i blowdried my hair with Zayn's blowdryer and then i put my hair up in a bun. Then put in my big gold ring earrings . I start to put on some make up, first the base then some gold eyeshadow not so much but a little eyeliner mascara red matt lipstick and put in my nose piercing wich i don't wear often. My eyebrows are alredy shaped soo i don't need to do much with them just filling in here and there. I don't usaly put on so this much make up but i had nothing to do so why not. By now te time was 07.00 so i decided to wake Zayn up so he could take a shower and then i'll make some breakfast. I walked into his room and gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him to wake up he woke up and gave me a quick peck on the lips then he went to the shower. I walked to the kitchen and took out all i needed to make some pancakes and started to make some, When i was done with them i put some sirup on them and put them on the table. Zayn came just in time he had a pair of black jeans and a white shirt and hair in a quiff looking AMAZAYN. He walked to the table and sat down and started to eat.

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