Part 1 (edited)

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(A/N) heyyy, this is my second ongoing story and im really exited. (my first is why me/i dare you to). Im a hugeee fan of sci-fi and decided it was time for me to try to write some myself. Im not sure anyone would bother reading this, but you never know ig ahahah. Well hope you enjoy.

"I have always known this would happen. But I thought I would have more time" When she pulled away I noticed that she had started crying.

"Grandma, why wont you tell me what's ha – ..."

"Shhh, no questions, go now. To the park. The twins will be there". She said, pushing me out into the night.

I run as if my life depends on it. Because maybe it does. A mixture of fear and adrenaline are kicking trough my body. I needed to find out what was happening. 

36 hours before

Grandma always tells me stories of the past. The past before north-west proviant, yes even before new Scandinavia and the disease. She always says that its hard to believe how much that happened in 35 years. How much atrocities our people experienced. How the people that was supposed to be the happiest of them all lost all their wealth and freedom in only three and a half decades.

My mum says that this is all nonsense. And that I am not to believe grandmas stories, and that I can never ever tell anyone else about them. You see, all private information achieved before the year of 2045 is illegal. This applies to texts of any sort, art, music, pictures and videos. This means the only way of achieving any information on what happened before 2045 that isn't coming from the government is through survivors. And since their almost none left of them that isn't dead, in prison or taken by severe mental linens. This is almost impossible.

Therefore, having grandma telling me these stories. Is somewhat exiting, and it makes me feel smart, illuminated. Like I know something that everybody else does not.

Right now, I'm sitting in class listening to my teachers talking about how everyone in this society is equal of worth. But that the government is everywhere. So we got to be careful, because they know everything.

I was brought out of my thoughs by the sound of the clock ringing. Signaling that it was exactly twelve o'clock.

A melody of the north-west proviants national song started playing from the speakers in the classroom.

"The people own the means of production; the people own everything. We are all an equal part of something bigger, we are all a part of the society." the whole class said automatically. Before laying our hands over our hearts and saying the proviants official regards. "Loyalty be with you"

"And then class what do we do if we do suspect non-loyal activities." The teachers asked.

"We report it" the class said in unison.

"And why do we do that?"

"As a part of the society its our duty to protect our fellow brothers and sister" we continued.

"Good" the teacher said, a slight smile on her lips. "Now, I want you all to welcome two new students to this class". What? New students. In all the ten years I've gone to this class, I have never really experienced having any new students. People didn't move in the province. Unless someone in your family was taken for fraud. And then you would be moving to a labor camp. And not change school. So, for them to be allowed to do this, something extraordinary must have happened.

Two people walked into the room. Looking like they were twins, both with the same golden-brown hair color and hazel eyes. Dressed in the same grey uniform as everyone else. The girls hair was just like mine and every other girl in this province, braided in one tight braid hanging down her back. While the boys hair was cut so that the longest hair strands reached him to his check. Also, an extremely basic style. In brief these two seemed completely normal. Although I could not quite let go of the fact that they had been allowed to switch school. They didn't bother with introducing themselves. Seeing that no matter what their name was, where they live, and who their parents are. They are just another part of the society. Hence we were just to address then as brother and sister. That's what you where to do to anyone unless you was engaged with them, they where your mum or dad, or some kind of authorities. Because authorities you addressed by Mr. or Mrs.

Naturally I didn't show my suspicion. Instead I greeted them exactly like I was supposed to. By laying my hand over my heart saying. "Loyalty be with you, sister, brother" without looking at them.

"Loyalty be with you too sister" they replied as they passed me. Both making sure to not make eye contact with me. Just as they were supposed to.      

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