Chapter 18 Damien

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Damien grabbed the book.

Iris made her way down the hallways of the school. She had made sure to leave a note for her friends who stayed behind during the tests, telling her Professors that she stayed in bed because she fell ill. In actuality, she was on her way to the 3rd floor. Her mother spoke in her mind, telling her where to go.

"hey, i think i know where rose...i mean...where i kept going everytime i disappeared" Bella says looking up.

"where?" Alex asked.

"trying to find the stone and seeing how to get past security. and or trying to find the deed to the castle. but that would not make sense seeing as i know exactly where to get it." Bella replied.

She looked around before hurrying. The sun was coming up quickly. She had taken too long getting across the castle, but with the teachers and Mrs. Noris making their rounds, she found it harder to sneak around.

She had almost ran into the head boy and girl a few times.

"thats ok, it's your first time" Bella replied smoothly.

" isn't helping" iris says.

Finally she made it to the third floor and found the right door. Iris carefully slipped into the room. Her eyes went wide with alarm seeing a huge three headed dog. Her heart beat quickened with fear.


*The music keeps it asleep.*

Iris nods a little bit and inch closer to the trap door. Carefully, she moved the paw and open the door that was under it. Closing her eyes, she jumped down into the darkness.

Iris gasped out when she hit. It was...soft. She looked down and yelp in alarm. Devil's snare!

Scorpius squeaked.

*Light. Devil snare hates light.*

Iris pulls out her wand as the devils snare wraps its self around her tightly. "Lumos!"

The devil snare lets her go and she falls to the ground underneath.

"Ow..." Iris groaned a little as she gets up.

She walked forward down the passageway, which was the only way she could go. All she could hear apart from her footsteps was the gentle drip of water trickling down the walls. The passageway sloped downwards and her heart beat faster and faster. A soft rustling and clinking seemed to be comingfrom up ahead.

"im confused, now where is she at?" Tom asked.

"Under neath the school" Bella says simply.

"Under the school!?" Damien asked alarmed.

She reached the end of the passageway and saw before her abrilliantly lit chamber, its ceiling arching high above her. It was full of small, jewel-bright birds, fluttering and tumbling all aroundthe room. On the opposite side of the chamber was a heavy,wooden door.

She walked to the wooden door and pulled. Locked. She scoffed at herself. "Of course it's locked." She whispers. She pulls out her wand and points it at the lock. "Alohomora." She pulled again but it was still locked.

*Use the claws.*

"why the claws?" Felix asked.

"They are more than just weapons." bella says mysteriously.

"Claws?" She asks herself before remembering the claws given to her the day she went to Gringotts. "Revelio." The claws appeared on her hands and bent down and started to pick the lock. The door swung open and she sighed a breath in relief.

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