Chapter: 1

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Jake's Pov

I was really angry at my mom and dad that i ran out of the house not knowing where i was going, When i calmed myself down i was already on an unknown cold place not knowing where it is.
Maybe i should roam a little but suddenly i heard sound of skating, something like ice skating, So i went towards the sound and saw a Guy Ice skating so beautifully, "Is he even a human" i said to myself.
My eyes won't stop looking at him, The way he moves makes me want to know him more.
It feels like time stopped around me.
I watched him until he stops.
Where is he going? Is he done skating? Should i go talk to him?
I couldn't decide what to do but the time when i decided, He was already gone and i was all alone again.
I ran outside to find him but he wasn't anywhere, i guess i was just day dreaming.

Next morning

Mom: Jake Wake up!! You will be late again!
Me: UGHH!! I DON'T WANNA GO! *i yelled*
Mom: *hits me* Who are you yelling at, Now Wake up and Go to your new school and make friends.
Me: I don't want friends
Mom: Get up now
Me: All my friends end up hating me *i whispered to myself*
Mom: What??
Me: Nothing

I got up from my bed and got ready for my stupid First Day of my Stupid New School.
Ughhh!! *scratches head in anger* Why do i have to end up like this!

At School:

Huh!! Here i am! In hell.
I walked towards my locker and kept my stuff, when suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder, i turned around and saw a Guy who was really handsome.

Him: Hi!!
Me: Hi!
Him: I am Heesung! I guess we are locker mates.
Me: Oh yeah i guess *awkward laugh*
Heesung: Soo...You are??
Me: oh yeah, I am Jake
Heesung: You are the transfer student right?
Me: yeah
Heesung: Don't u have to go to Dean first?
Me: Yeah
??: Yooo Heesung hyung!! *jumped on him*
Heesung: Yah!! Your heavy
??: I am not- *looks at me* Woah! Who is this Guy?
Heesung:  yeah! He is Jake and Jake he is Jay.
Jay: Yoo man! *high fives*
Me:  *awkward high five* can u show me where is-

I was about to ask him where the Dean's office is but suddenly something caught my eyes...
Its the same guy, The Guy i saw in the ice skate area.
I was soo deep in my thoughts that i forgot the i was staring at him.

Jay: Yah!! Jake stop staring at Sunghoon.
Me: oh-i am sorry.
Heesung: *ruffles sunghoons head* Yah! Stop acting cool

Heesung: *ruffles sunghoons head* Yah! Stop acting cool

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Sunghoon: *sets his hair* Don't touch my hair.
Heesung: okay! But someone take this newbie kid to Deans office.
Jay: ahh- i forget i need to go to bathroom *runs away*
Heesung: When we need him! He runs away *looks at sunghoon* i need to go back to class *goes to his class*

Jay: ahh- i forget i need to go to bathroom *runs away*Heesung: When we need him! He runs away *looks at sunghoon* i need to go back to class *goes to his class*

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Sunghoon: So... I guess its me and you
Me: Y-yeah *shy*
Sunghoon: lets go then *walks away*

I followed him to the  deans office and he left me there and went back.
I wanted to know him more but i am way to shy to even look at him.

**knock knock**

Dean: yes come in!
Me: Good morning ma'am, I am Jake, Sim Jake from Australia.
Dean: oh yeah! The new transferred student
Me: Yes ma'am
Dean: Let me call ur class teacher

**10 mins later**
The school bell rang that means class starts.
I walk towards the class while following my teacher.
So she went inside and told me wait until she calls me out.

Teacher: Good morning Students!
Class: Good morning ma'am
Teacher: Today we have a new student *looks at me* Please come in and introduce yourself.
Me: *walks in and bows* Hello guys, I am Sim Jake but you can call me Jake.
Teacher: anyone have any questions?.

One of the students raise his hand and that student was the guy i met near the Locker, what was his name uh- something like Jay i guess.

Jay: *stands up* Are you Foreigner and if no don't you have korean name?
Me: oh sorry *bows* i forgot to tell my korean Name, My name is Shim Jaeyoon but please call me Jake *smiles* and i am From Australia.
Class: wooooo~
Teacher: please go to seat!
Me: *bows* Okay
Teacher: please take out your English book

***lunch time***
Its lunch time but i don't see Sunghoon anywhere i guess he isn't in my class.
I sighed when suddenly one of the guy comes running and yells

Boy: Kim Gang and Sunghoon are having a Fight.

Everyone ran out so i ran out too.
I reached the destiny and saw kim gang beating Sunghoon up but no one was helping,so i wanted to help but i remembered if i was caught fighting parents would be called so i was about to go away at the same time Heesung hyung and Jay came and started to hit the 3 guys.


i wanted to do something but my body won't move and the Security came in.

Heesung: Can you atleast take Sunghoon to Infirmary

I nodded as a yes and helped Sunghoon to get up and took him in the school infirmary.

Sunghoon looks at me and said.

Sunghoon: Why didn't you help?
Me: Huh!
Sunghoon: I saw your face you were scared to help
Me: I-
Sunghoon: You know what!? never mind, i thought you were different but it turns out your one of the most coward person.
Me: i am not coward
Me: I Was Just scared teacher might catch me fighting.
Sunghoon: *laughs* you call yourself man, Just go away
Me: but your woun-
Sunghoon: Go away and don't show me your face.

I went out of the room with lots of hurting.
I can't believe i had a fight in our first meeting ughhh Jake are you stupid!!!
I don't know what to do now.
I was walking when suddenly i bumped into a guy.

Me: Sorry it was my fault.
Him: its okay by the way i am Byun Eui joo
Me: uh i am-
Ej: i know who you are

**to be continued**

If you don't know who is Ej, he is one of the member in I-land but got eliminated.
I will be mentioning alot of eliminated players too because to keep them in our memory.
Hope u like it

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