-Fictional mainland of Florida.
Johnathon's story- The Journey
Darian walked his way out of the forest and found a ship. He signaled them by waving his hands and luckily having his phone to glare and distract the sailor captain to the ship with the reflection of the sun. About 30 minutes later the ship stopped ashore and a couple people let him onboard. Darian pushed the people off and pulled the rope he climbed on up before people could get onboard. He took hostage of everyone else and demanded a command for them to serve him or there would be bad consequences. He found that he was saved by a destroyer ship of his. Soon he came by Samantha and her mother he quickly solved that problem of his. "Take these people to a place they can't escape from. The people onboard did so. Darian soon took over the ship and started to sail the ship into sea searching for the Drive.
-Elsewhere in the ocean
Merelena"s Story- Bermuda Triangle's Atlantis
A King and father of Merelena took his search troops out to search for her as he did himself. "Meliana stay here while go search for our daughter." He said " Just be careful. I don't want to lose you too." Meliana said to him." don't worry I'll be fine." he said as before he swam away to go search for their daughter. The troops swam and rode on sharks out to find her.
- Again elsewhere but on the island
Max's story- R.O.T.A. : Rise Of The Aliens
Luna explored the island, Johnathon is still building his raft, Merelena is searching for food for everyone and herself, Max and his friends are fearing and trying to figure out how long they can hide theirselves before they have to probably help the Planet again. Mainly in the alien ship Max mentioned stood a glass cage with a blue see through fluid containing a body- an alien body. As his eyes opened seconds later the glass started to crack. I'm coming for you *cough* *cough* said the alien quickly coughing when he was talking.
-Elsewhere 6 hours later at and under the ocean surface
Darian searched for hours and found nothing or at least he thought. Neptune- the Father of Merelena didn't find his daughter either but instead found Darian. He accidently hit the ship gently. "What was that?" Samantha said in the trapped room.
Darian sent an anchor down and unawarely hit Neptune. Neptune went up to see.
When they saw each other they worked something out over a conversation when it was supposed to be just some sort of apology. They worked together Neptune searched for his daughter and Johnathon while Darian searched for Merelena and Jonathon.
Luna: The Island
General FictionA girl wants to escape a world of cruel against of what she is. She uses what makes her different to find herself a happy place to be free. Is it real or a dream? What's the story like? Is it emotional? Is it rememberable? Read to find out.