The visit

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Raven Queen's POV
I was in mirror prison with my mom chilling until I heard a voice that Belonged to ........ HER!! Mirror mirror on the wall show me where my mother is um grandpa what's next she said my father said sweetie it's Mirror mirror on the wall show me where my wife is being held And then he stared at the mirror and his image disappeared only to be shown a middle aged woman The evil Queen my mom she is so called " evil" well she ain't it was caused by the story book of legends it turned her evil Damn book!! I yelled softly and went to the mirror my mom was in her Mira shards look my Secret Daughter named is Mystic  Rose Queen She knows who Mira shards is my mom hello dear my mother said I then pushed her out of the way And said there's my Good Queen She has my features my hair color and her fathers eyes she is like me And her father kind clumsy adorable Loving and has my magic And her fathers clumsiness Anyways she smiled and said hi mama I then smiled Then said hello My lovely dearest how are you in preschool she smiled even wider and said it's going good Then looked sad what's wrong dearest I said with concerned My foot hurts She said a little sad how come I say with softness D-Daddy Stepped on my foot it hurts mama I could tell she was saying the truth because I could see it oh I say darkly Dad I said normally yes birdie dad said Can you bring dexter here and take my darling with her pls I said ok dear dad said and said again come on dear ok grandpa my child said and left with him as soon as they headed to the stairs and out of sight and earshot Mom then came from well where ever I pushed her in her Mira shards look still then said ouch! That hurt My Little Black bird Hmph and pouted like a child ( No pun intended she is in teenager form after all ~ Author~) I sighed and said sorry mom and chuckled I then got serious and told her when I see that man He's gonna get a piece of my mind once he see's me!! Hmph! My daughter has a full name Mystic blackbird Rose Queen charming

Ever after high: Raven in mirror prison with her motherWhere stories live. Discover now