meeting the dragon

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Y/n(knight) pov

I was walking while looking for something to tame,the others tame wolfs or horses,i sighed and walked inti the cave,i couldnt go back to the kingdom with out anything,i heard a growl amd turned around sees a big blue black dragon(up top),it growled and roared at me,i put my weapon down and it tilt its head,i then put my hands up,it them grabbed me and put mu in a nest,i looked at the dragon in confusion,it then started licking me"ahh,no stop"i said trying to get away,but the dragon held me,after the dragon finish it stood above me,and i saw it was a female,i look to see the head of the guard,he was looking at the dragon then me,"y/n,get over here now"he said,i get up but the dragon used her tail to hold me,she then put me on her back,i rubbed her head and she laid down" tamed a dragon?inpressive,why dont you show it to the others"he said" thanks,ill just find a new kingdom"i said,he growled and left,i was one of the best fighters then we had to gets pets,i looked at the dragon and started thinking on what to call her"hmm night sky"she popped her head up knocking me on her back,she looked at me and let of but she stood over me"how did you now my name"she said,i baxked up and but stopped me"answer the question or ill punish you"she said"how would you do that"i asked"do you want to find out"she said"no"i said"then tell me how you knew my name"she said"i didn't know it was you name,i was just thinking of a name to call you cause i thought you couldnt speak"i said,she smirked"well tbats how i kill all the other kingdoms,they either give there riches or i kill them"she said,i got scared and tried to back away but she put her tail behind me and wrapped it aroumd me"and were so you think your going,hmm?"she asked"are you gonna kill me"i asked,she laughed"why would i kill the only human who didnt attack me,actually i think ill keep you"she said then put me in a cage,"ill be back"she said and left,i looked around,it had lots of human things,i saw one of them was a toy doll,i pushed that away and under the bed in here

I woke up still on tbe ground,in the cage,i sat up and looked aroumd,she wasnt back yet,i looked at the cage and changed out of my amour,putting on normal clothes,i soon jer footsteps and looked,a strange looking dragon with scars and a missing eye walked in,it saw me and licked it mouth and walked over,i backed into the cage"back off"i hear,i look to see night sky,she growled at the dragon who backed away from the cage,then ran off,she walked to my cage"you ok?"she said"thanks to you"i said,she smiled"thats good,oh amd that kingdom said something about you and they need you back"she said,i backed away from"i dont want to go back,they abuse me anyways"i said"how about this,you be my slave and ill kill them"she said"i dont know how to be a slave"i said

"Oh ok"i said,she smiled and left,she told what a slave was,i didnt mind that,as long as the kingdom was gone,i be good,she back with lots of bodys and dropped them"there"she said,she then grabbed me and place me on her stomach"im gonna have to claim you first"she said,(shes the same size of graff from httyd),

3 hours later

I held my arm as it bleed out,she sighed and pushed me,then licked my arm

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