Chapter One

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"Stupid Grunkle Stan, thinking that I'm weak, thinking that I'm useless. Ugh! How do I get out of here?!" Dipper grabbed his hair and pulled it before finding a corner to sit down. He hugged his legs close to himself and rested his head against his knees.

Why would Grunkle Stan think I'm useless? I do so much for him and only ask for a 'thank you' back. I don't even GET a thank you! It's like I'm expected to do it like he shouldn't have to ask for me to do it. Can't someone just appreciate what I do for them?

"Whatcha doin', Pinetree?"

Dipper snapped his head up to find the yellow triangle from earlier -  Bill, was it? - floating in front of him. Dipper looked the triangle up and down, still unsure of whether the thing was trusting or not.

Bill adjusted his bow tie before glowing into a bright, yellow light. Dipper shielded his eyes before the light came down, revealing Bill in a different form. His apparel was quite dressy. A yellow vest with a white undershirt was underneath a yellow tailcoat with a brick pattern at the bottom, his bottom half consisting of black dress pants and black shoes with a tiny heel. His hands were covered in black gloves, and his left eye was covered by a patch. To top everything off, a black top hat with a cane to match.

"Figured this form would make you a little less uncomfortable," Dipper shrugged, but took note that the new form did make him feel a bit better, "You were thinking about something earlier, right kid? Something about your Uncle?"

Dipper sighed, "Like you would care."

Bill walked over as he spoke, sitting down next to Dipper, "You'd be surprised, Pinetree. I become a very protective demon whenever someone I think would benefit me becomes hurt, mentally, or physically. In other words, I think you're very valuable to me for my plans. But if you're not mentally stable then that concerns me. Humans need to have a stable mind to function properly. This is a long way for me to say, 'hurry up and tell me what's wrong'."

In that long talk, Dipper took out a few keywords that made him know Bill a bit more. He's a demon, he has a plan, and he knows a little bit about the human mind. Who knew if Dipper should trust the demon or not? All Dipper knew was that he had too much pent up frustration for it to be healthy, and needed someone to vent to.

Dipper sighed and began to explain his problems, deciding that if the demon killed him for telling then so be it. He explained how no matter what he did he felt as though it wasn't enough. He told Bill how his Grunkle made him do unbelievable chores around the house and how he got nothing in return. He also explained how his Grunkle shook off every finding and mystery he and his sister have had while here at Gravity Falls. Everything that was bothering Dipper at that moment was laid out in front of Bill to digest.

"How about this, Pinetree. You see, I'm the kind of demon that's work is based on deals. And seeing as how you're going to be very useful for my plan, I'm willing to negotiate."

Dipper rolled his eyes, "Just how am I supposed to help a demon with his plans? My Grunkle said I can't do anything right."

"Common, Pinetree, what do you have to lose? You help me with my plan and I'll help you expand your knowledge about the wonders of Gravity Falls. The more proof you have the better of a chance your Uncle will believe you."

"And if this doesn't work?"

"Then you don't have to help me. The deal will be off. I'd appreciate your help, Pinetree. What do ya say?"

Dipper looked around his Grunkle's mind... thing; whatever Bill had called it before. His Grunkle, his family, only uses him. Would Bill be any different? Would the stranger that he just met treat him better than his Great Uncle? Was it a risk he was willing to take?

"I wanna change something about the deal," Dipper stood up and Bill found, responding with a 'and that would be?', "I don't wanna prove anything to my Grunkle. If he doesn't believe me now then why would he believe me later?" Bill nodded along, "I wanna see all the amazing wonders that Gravity Falls has to show. I wanna see creatures, landscapes, buildings, anything, and everything!"

Bill laughed, "You're one weird kid, Pinetree. But that makes you an even better fit to help me. I'll show you things that no regular human has ever seen before. Like I said, though; when it comes a time, you gotta help me. Deal?"

Bill stretched his hand towards Dipper, the gloved hand engulfing into blue fire. Dipper held his hand to his chest, wondering if the fire would hurt.

"Relax, Pinetree, the fire doesn't burn ya."

With a brave, deep breath, Dipper seized Bill's hand in his own. Bill was right, the fire didn't burn. Upon letting go of each other's hands Bill ruffled Dipper's hat as he spoke, "Alright, Pinetree. You need to do something for me before I can hold my end of the deal. It's quite simple, and once I explain everything you should be more than capable of doing it."

"OK, what is it?"

Bill smirked and tossed his cane in the air for it to disappear, "You see, Pinetree, we need the others to think that you and I have nothing to do with each other. What I need you to do is get me out of your Uncle's mind. I'll mess with the others a bit before you come in and stop me."

"Alright, but what are you gonna do about Gideon? You had a deal with him, remember?"

"Oh, I'm still gonna try and get the code, but your family is going to 'stop me'."

Dipper crossed his arms and leaned on one of his legs to tap the other foot's toe on the ground, "And that means I can trust our deal, how?"

"You can't!"

Dipper rolled his eyes, trying to hide the fact that he was terrified of what he had just gotten himself into. He sighed and scratched the back of his neck, "Well, how am I gonna stop you? You're a demon and I'm just a clumsy pre-teen."

"This is the mindscape, kid! You can do anything you want here! Now stop asking questions! I'll see ya in a bit!"

With that, Bill flashed away. Dipper looked down at his hand before it set itself on fire. The fire was blue like before and it didn't hurt. Dipper smiled and thought about the flame disappearing before the fire did just that. Now all that was left to do was to find Mabel and Soos.

Speaking to no one in particular, Dipper asked, "How am I going to find them?"

A loud shriek that sounded just like Mabel surrounded the hallway. Dipper quickly ran in that direction and soon found where his sister and friend were, only they were higher than expected. Dipper flew up to the top of the giant rock the group was on, enjoying the sparks that followed him.

"Hey, Bill!" a quick smirk flashed on Dipper's face, "Nice bow tie!"

With that, red beams shot from Dipper's eyes, impaling Bill's now triangle form. As Bill was "distracted" Dipper quickly explained to Soos and Mabel what he learned. The pair below got the hang of it quickly, and soon were defeating Bill.

"Now it's time to wish for your worst nightmare! A portal out of Stan's mind!" Dipper screamed.

Before anything could happen Bill shot everyone into a room of pure white. The group floated around in the air, huddling back together in front of Bill.

"I can admit, you guys are a lot more clever than you look; especially the fat one! I'll let you kids off the hook this time, but know this! A dark time approaches, and the day will come in the future when everything you care about will change," the group looked at one another for a moment before Bill continued, "Until then I'll be watching you!"

With that, Bill disappeared. Soos and Mabel high fived as Dipper noticed that Stan was waking up, letting the others know. Upon waking up, Dipper looked to his Grunkle.

Everything in him hated his Grunkle. Family or not, it still didn't change the fact that he was hurt by his Great Uncle's words. When Gideon took the deed to the shack, Dipper was only part way in the conversation. Even as he packed up his stuff to head to Soos' Grandma's house, he was still in his world.

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