Chapter one

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Lexa thought she was going too have a normal day.But what she didn't know was that this was the day her life would change forever.
Lexa had too walk too school today.She just missed the bus by a millisecond.Lexa sighed and kicked a rock."Hey loser."A voice behind her said.She didn't even have too turn around too know who it was.That voice belonged too one person and one person only.Dona Mathews.The meanest bully in 5th grade.Rolling her eyes,Lexa turned around too face Dona."What do you want Dona."Asked Lexa meeting her enemy eye to eye."Can't friends just say hi too one another,Shorty."She said sarcastically.Lexa hated when she called her shorty.She was actually tall for age 11.She wasn't the tallest in her grade,but still."Well,nice talking with you."Lexa stated,clearly annoyed.She started too walk away."Hey wait,"Dona shouted,"i'm not done with you yet!" shouted Dona.She started after Lexa.And that's when Lexa started running.faster and faster.So fast that even Dona couldn't keep up.Lexa kept running and running.Not once did she look back.

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