Unknown Number

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Year 2016,September 10.

It's Her [Rupa's] (nickname given by Author) Birthday : I have been in love with her for 7 years 20 days and 3 hours. After 12 more hours then it'll be her birthday date. Preparing to surprise her , I [Habib] (who is the author) am at the balcony of my room in Dhaka,Bangladesh. After getting from university trying to take a shower. Summer day and I smell bad from sweating.

Suddenly, my phone began ringing(android phone's ringtone) from unknown number!

I picked up the call. Muslim's Greeting -Assalamo alaikom(Peace be upon you)! Who is it?

From the other side a female voice coming - Walaikom assalam (Peace be upon you too) It's me Rupa! How are you SugarCup?

I'm all surprised! Where are you calling from Rupa? It's my grandmother's Number.

Oh! I see. How is your University classes? Mine were tiring. Just gonna take a shower now.

Mine was somewhat. Umm, Do you have time Habib? I have something important to tell you!

OK! Is it very important?! Can we talk later? Cause I'm about to take my shower.

It's very important! I don't know what to do?! It happened all on a sudden! My Dad trying to get me engaged with my distance cousin! You know the cosin picture whom I showed you last time came to Bangladesh from Abroad?!

Yes I know him! But why all on a sudden? I have 3 more years to complete my university and try to look for a job. You and I, we already talked about this. Did we not?!

Yes,You did Habib! And we also agreed.

So,why now?! Didn't you say your parents are fine being with me after I finish my university and get a job then getting us married?!

Yeah. But suddenly my dad is thinking about my marriage cause people are talking about I'm being already 22 years old and not getting married yet where other girls younger then me getting their marriage done.

Oh I see. But what does it have to do with us? Where we live in Bangladesh a Male suppose to get married minimum at age of 21 and girl age of 18. *But i understood where her father is coming from as He has 2 more younger daughters to get them married aside from Rupa.*

Well I don't know. I'm trying to convince my mom and dad but they're pressuring me to do this instead! Habib help me please!

OK. Calm down! I'll call you on your phone number later.

Listen! Listen! My phone is already been taken back by my mother. I'll call you instead when I get time.

I'm like - OK! Sure.


Bye. Take care Rupa. We haven't meet each other for 7 months now. We will meet after 2 weeks when I come to my hometown Cox's Bazar.

REALLY?! Hurry! Let us talk then. Love you and miss you Habib.

........ Phone call ended!

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