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It's just another normal sunny day, Boruto was on his way to school with his best friend Shikadai.

Passing through the sound of the wind blowing in their faces with both of their legs crossed, Shikadai broke the peaceful silence by asking, "Boruto, did you study for the test today?" 

Looking confused at Shikadai, "Test? What test?" Boruto asked him as Shikadai's face turned into pure shock. "The maths test! Don't tell me-" 

"Uh... I- There's a test today!?" Boruto almost jumped in shock.

Shikadai rubbed his ears while squeezing one of his emerald eyes closed, "Ow... My ears... Boruto don't shout right into my ear! Yes, there is! You forgot!?"

"Oh no... Mom's gonna be really mad if I fail it... " Boruto shivered as his face turned paler than Shikadai's.

"And it's the second last year of high school! If you forget about the exam and fail, it's gonna affect your future! Luckily this is just a test! But it'll still affect 20% of your grades!" Shikadai reminded Boruto about the horrors of failing.

Boruto's face would've turned even paler if it could, and it looked like his spirit could fly out at any time, "What!? Can you ask me some of the questions now? Please??" Boruto pleaded, well more like shook, his friend.

Pushing Boruto's arm away from him, Shikadai answered, "Okay... But we have to be quick, there are only 10 minutes before school starts! Here, my textbook. So, what is 20/45 divided by 70/102?" Shikadai read from the book.

"Umm... Let's see... I think we flip 70 and 102 over first right? So then..."

"Then, you multiply 20 and 102 and put the answer on the top part of the fraction," Shikadai explained it the simplest way possible, since he knows the limit to Boruto's cleverness when it comes to maths.

"Ohh! I know! Then multiply 45 and 70! And put it on the bottom part!" Boruto solved.

"Yes, now, what is 20 times 102?"


"What's 2 times 102?"

"Umm... a hundred and... two hundred and... two!"

"So then you add a zero behind that is?"

"Umm... 2040!"

"Right, then 70 times 45?"

"Umm... 7 times 45 first?"

"Yes, then add a zero."

"So, 315...? Then... 3150?"

"Yes, so what's the answer to the question?"

"Oh... What was the first one...? Yes, 2040/3150!"

"Right, now work on simplifying it."

Suddenly, a ringing sound was heard, followed by mechanical screeches, as they saw the train closing into their station.

"C'mon Boruto, we gotta jump off!" Shikadai patted his shoulder as he jumped off the train to the platform where hundreds of people were boarding the train.

"Uh oh... I used 10 minutes and still haven't solved a question! What am I gonna do in the test!!?" Boruto panicked.

"There's only one thing I could say-" Boruto curiously looked at Shikadai, curious as to what tip he's going to give him, "Good luck."

Realizing what his friend said, Boruto jumped away from him and shouted, "What!? This is not encouraging at all! You're getting me even more nervous!" Boruto whined as he 'Naruto ran' towards the school.


Ding Dong!  The bell rang, as Boruto and Shikadai opened the door and stepped in.

"Phew! We made it in time!" They cheered.

"You're almost late again! You need to stop coming in so late or you'll really be late next time." Sarada, the class representative scolded.

"At least we're not! And we'll try coming sooner next time!" Boruto retorted as he skipped to his seat, and Sarada shaked her head, thinking how helpless they are.

"Good morning class!" Konohamaru, their teacher greeted as he entered the classroom, "As you were informed last week, we have a test today." He continued, as the whole class whined, well except Sarada and Shikadai, who thought it's too troublesome to whine since you'll not get anything out of whining.

"I know how you all feel, but it's for your future. Now, I'll distribute the test papers, you'll have an hour to do it, you can't talk unless you raise your hand, well you know the rules! Now, I'll pass the test papers to you." He said as he started walking to the row of tables closest to the door with the test papers.

"You can start now." Konohamaru announced as he finished distributing the papers.

'What is this!? Is this even high school second year math problems? It's so hard! And it's just the first question...' Boruto thought. 

An hour later...

"Time's up! Put down your pens and pass your papers out." Konohamaru said. "I'll be giving you these back tomorrow." He continued as he grabbed the papers and left the classroom.

"How did you do?" Shikadai asked Boruto as he walked towards Boruto's desk.

"I almost didn't know any of those questions!" Boruto laid his head on the table, now more afraid of tomorrow, when he gets his test paper back.

"That test sure was hard, considering you forgot to study... I'll remind you next time." Shikadai tried to cheer him up, knowing how scary his mom can be if he failed. "And you still have the supplementary test if you failed this one, but I can't help you with that one... My family is going to the Sand village for a week to visit Uncle Gaara, since it's his birthday."

"Oh... Wait, are you implying that you're sure that I'm gonna fail the test!?" Boruto glared tiredly at Shikadai.

"You konw it yourself... I'm just saying the truth... Even if it hurts sometime..." Shikadai defended.

"You're right... Thanks anyway... Let's just hope God's gonna pity me and miracley let me pass the test because of my good deeds..."

"Oh, like how you sit on top of the train instead of inside it, and then be almost late everyday?"

"Can you just give me some hope...?" Boruto replied as he, once again, dropped his head on the desk.

Just as Shikadai was about to say something, their biology teacher, Shino, stepped into the classroom, so Shikadai walked back to his seat, shivering as he thought what his mom would do if he himself failed the test.

I want to fail! [BoruSara]Where stories live. Discover now