Revenge scene

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Dexter walks down the hall sword scraping the blood drenched floor, leaving a long trail behind him. He opens the panel to the next room to see it empty and dark. He closes the door behind him and tears the bandage from his arm. His wound is now healed; he ties the blood-soaked bandage around his eyes and takes his fighting stance. “I can’t see you but I can smell all three of you!” Dexter said, running his fingers up and down the edge of his sword. The thunder rumbles and for what seemed like minutes all was quiet except for the pitter-patter of the raindrops hitting the roof. Suddenly he hears foot steps rapidly moving towards him. Lightning encircles his blade and the room is now bright and filled with electricity. The footsteps stop. “What’s wrong? Don’t you want revenge for what I did to your brothers?” He heard no answer. “That’s why I’m here, to take my revenge for what Kaito did to my family!” No answer.

          “So this is the family that my brother wanted me to join? Some family, did you even hear the screams that they made?” Do you even care that I slaughtered them mere seconds before entering this room?” A devious smile grew on his face and the Rokusho could tell that the Kurai-Gawa had taken complete control over him. The hot white electricity around his blade grew black. Then it soon engulfed his entire body. His head tilted back and let out a deep yell, which could be mistaken for wolves howling. “Aurgh!” Dexter’s smile faded. He regained his stance and the footsteps moved closer with a steady rhythm moving toward him in every direction. In one quick motion he slashed his sword around the room making contact with his blade three times then returning back to his original stance. All was quiet again except for the slow dripping of blood onto the floor. Suddenly he heard the thud of three bodies dropping to the floor. The black electricity vanished and Dexter stabbed his blade into the floor before dropping to his knees. He was having trouble catching his breath this time. He ripped the bandage from his eyes. He couldn’t breathe, he found himself gasping for air on the floor. Dexter heard the alarm sound in the building, and the heavy sound of footsteps echoing throughout the building. “Shit!” he yelled. Dexter dug around in is pocket until he found his pills. He tried to stand using the sword as support but fell to the floor. His pill box slid across the room just out of his reach. Dexter coughed then looked down at the floor showing his blood. “Fuck!” He summoned all his strength to stand. He took two steps before collapsing on the floor he couldn’t move. The boys vision became blurred and the words of Aimi rung through his head. “Nothing good ever comes from revenge, and if I lost you I don’t know what I’d do” He closed his eyes as he thought would be for the last time. When he heard the panel slide open he opened his eyes, he could just make out a dark figure standing in the door way. “Aimi?” he whispered. He closed his eyes again and fell asleep.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2012 ⏰

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