First storm

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Taming my anger, I presented the officer my license and registration that were neatly folded in the storage compartment. The policeman couldn’t have been very old. Actually I would say he was in his early thirties, tall, well-built and clean shaven. He directed the flash light from my face at my papers while he was studying them and then turned to me.

“Get out of the car, Miss Cameron” he said in an authoritative manner.

“What seems to be the problem?” I heard Harry say from the background when he saw me stepping out of the car. He had just parked his bike behind me and was walking towards me holding his helmet in one hand, pushing his hair back with the other.

“Stay out of this, Harry” I told him meaning every word. I could sense that he was worried sick but I didn’t want him to get involved.

“Miss have you been drinking?” the officer asked pretending not to acknowledge Harry’s presence.

“No, Sir” I replied as politely as possible under the circumstances.

“What’s the problem, she wasn’t speeding, she didn’t drink anything, what’s wrong?” Harry asked again more persistently only to have the officer ignore him for a second time making Harry fume from annoyance.

“Miss, please breathe in this small device…” he added.

I had nothing to be afraid of. I hadn’t drunk anything all night going back and forth, I didn’t have any time to spend on drinking. So I would just get it over with and be on my way.

“OK” I agreed and blew in the small device that looked like a whistle.

The officer looked at the indication on the device and continued…

“Miss, you are over the legal limit…” he said and put the device in a nylon bag in his pocket.

“That’s impossible” I protested.

“I haven’t drunk at all, there must be some mistake…I haven’t … I haven’t drunk anything”

“That’s not what the alcohol test shows, Miss” he said raising his eyebrow.

“She hasn’t drunk at all, you can’t do this” Harry kept demanding for his attention.

“May I see the indication, please?” I asked.

He looked at me in amazement that I would doubt his words and then produced a device from his pocket which showed a 29, the legal limit being 22.

“What the fuck? You put it in the other pocket man, what the fuck is going on, this isn’t the one she breathed in” Harry was mad at this point standing in front of the policeman and I was sure he was going to search his pockets if I hadn’t stepped in.

“Harry, don’t…” I kept pushing him back.

“Sir, please back off otherwise I will arrest you for obstruction of justice” he said bluntly before he turned to me once more ignoring him.

“Miss, although I don’t normally do this…I will let you go with a warning. In different circumstances you would be arrested, taken to the department to be charged and sober up…Consider this your lucky day” he said and I shivered at the irony of that sentence.

“No, go ahead…arrest her, take her in so we can fucking see that indicator and check the fucking DNA on it, you …” Harry was yelling…

“Harry, stop it right now. If you get arrested I will be left alone…alone” I said knowing that this would silence him. It was the only way he would stop provoking him…me stressing the word alone

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