Beautiful Barista

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Hey guys, glad to share these minsung stories with you all. Enjoy! (p.s. Covid doesn't exist in this world.)

Jisung was making his way down the street in his new neighborhood, taking in the sights and trying to continue familiarizing himself with the area. He had recently moved in with his best friend and fellow music producer Chan, and was somewhat excited to find a few new places to spend time, and hopefully find inspiration. He preferred quiet or open areas where people were sparse or spread out and he could watch things from a distance. So, when a small coffee shop came into his view he was automatically inclined to check it out.

He looked back and forth before crossing the street and happily entering the café, hearing a small bell chime above him as he pushed the door open.

"Hello, welcome."

Jisung completely froze, his smile falling to an expression of slight shock as he looked ahead.

There in front of him was the most beautiful boy he'd ever seen. The natural light in the shop seemed to brighten as if the sun itself felt the need to shine across him. Jisung wasn't sure if he was even human, to look that good. Clear skin, light brown hair that brushed down across his face framing his features perfectly, chocolatey eyes, and bright pink lips. Angelic, that's more how he would describe him.

"Um..." the boy stated shifting his gaze a bit with a small smile before looking back to him. "Can I help you with something?"

Jisung snapped out of his trance a bit blinking a few times. He then felt his cheeks flush over in embarrassment. "Oh yes, of course, sorry." He forced his feet off the ground to move up to the counter. He pretended to look up to read the menu, but he was so nervous he didn't comprehend and of the words. "I'll just take an iced americano please."

"Ok, what size." The boy asked politely.

"Uh just a medium." Jisung replied, not able to meet his eyes, he did however sneak a look at his name tag:


"Alright that'll be $4.00." Minho stated as he typed the order into the machine in front of him.

Jisung got his card from of his wallet and handed it to him carefully. He then took the opportunity to look at his face again as he swiped it and pushed a few more buttons.

Minho looked up at him for a moment catching him look away quickly. He noticed the slight pink reach his customer's face and bit back a small chuckle. "Alright." He stated printing the receipt and handing them both back to him. "Can I just have your name, and then that'll be right out for you."

"It's Jisung."

Minho wrote the name on the cup. "Just a moment then." He then turned around and started working on his drink.

Jisung let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, stepped aside to the counter labeled pick up, and waited. He watched slightly behind the counter as Minho moved around the small space, creating his drink before unwillingly peeling his eyes away again and looking around the shop. Don't be creepy Jisung, what's wrong with you?

"All ready to go." Minho's smooth voice met Jisung's ears once again like sweet caramel, causing him to look back over and see his drink being placed on the counter.

"Ah... thanks." He took it smiling and finding himself have to look down again, overwhelmed by Minho's beautiful smile.

"Have a great rest of your day... Jisung." Minho stated flashing one last smile before turning and walking back to his work.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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